Micronaut Testing Tips and Tricks

Micronaut Testing Tips and Tricks

In this 3-hour workshop, students learn how to test Micronaut applications and deliver more robust and stable products.


Functional tests, which test the real application, run in milliseconds, thanks to Micronaut's compile-time dependency injection and AOP. This allows Micronaut developers to more easily build robust and stable applications. This course demonstrates how easy it is to test microservice applications using Micronaut's built-in tools.

Through real-world examples and hands-on exercises, students have the opportunity to explore multiple testing practices within Micronaut applications, including API testing, bean replacement, security testing, and more.


This workshop prepares Micronaut developers to maximize their productivity by providing a thorough introduction to the framework's testing capabilities.



To get the most out of this workshop, we recommend participants have beginner to intermediate proficiency with Java and an understanding of how web applications work in general.

Experience with the Micronaut framework is a plus, but no particular expertise is required.



The following topics are covered in this workshop:

  • Test environment
  • ApplicationContext
  • EmbeddedServer
  • Testing endpoints with Micronaut HTTP Client
  • Create and organize beans in your Test Classpath
  • Data validation
  • Test-specific configuration
  • Testing frameworks
    • Spock
    • JUnit
  • Micronaut Testing framework
  • @MicronautTest
  • Testcontainers
  • @Clients Fallbacks
  • Mocking servers
  • Testing functions

Technical Requirements

For the lab exercises, you will need JDK 11 and IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or Ultimate.

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