Grails Features & Benefits

By leveraging sensible defaults and convention-over-configuration, the Grails® Framework significantly increases developer productivity and reduces the time and effort necessary to develop complex apps.


Increased Developer Productivity. Incorporating convention over configuration, the Grails framework eliminates much of the configuration effort typically required in building robust web applications.

Faster Time to Market. The efficiency and precision of Grails code means faster development with fewer bugs and less code.

Agility. Iterative development is a hallmark of the Grails framework because teams can carve out functionality in short sprints, with checkpoints and testing along the way. 

Reusability. The Grails plugin system enables code reuse across projects, allowing development teams to spend less time solving common web problems and more time implementing real business requirements.

Low Maintenance. Foundational design assumptions eliminate the need for boilerplate code and account for an easier-to-navigate framework, thereby reducing maintenance complexity and project costs.

Cost Savings. As an Open Source framework, Grails can be broadly adopted and used with no vendor lock-in, contracts, license management, or run-time licensing fees.

Flat Learning Curve. Convention over configuration, sensible defaults, opinionated APIs, and the Groovy language combine to make the Grails framework easy to learn for Java developers.


Groovy Lineage. The Grails framework is based on Apache Groovy, a language for the Java platform designed to enhance developer productivity.

Spring Boot Foundation. The Grails framework is built on top of Spring Boot and leverages Spring Boot's time-saving features, such as Spring-powered dependency injection.

Seamless Java Integration. The Grails framework seamlessly and transparently integrates and interoperates with Java, the JVM, and existing Java EE containers.

Optimized Reloading Agent. The Grails framework includes a development-time reloading agent that supports the dynamic reloading of code changes, thereby reducing the number of container restarts in the development environment.

Built-In Testing Framework. The Grails framework's built-in testing framework helps maintain code quality throughout the development process and reduces defects in the final product.

Plugin Library. Developers can build plugins that extend and enhance the Grails framework, or they can access existing plugins published by a vibrant plugin community.

Pragmatic Strategy. The Grails framework applies the “Don't Repeat Yourself” (DRY) principle, thereby eliminating repetition and hidden bugs, and enabling faster and easier enhancements.

Comparison of The Grails Framework to other technologies

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