OCI Lunch n Learn (Go programming language) 4/29

OCI Lunch n Learn (Go programming language) 4/29

For this month's tech lunch (Friday, April 29 at 11:30 AM CST), OCI Principal Software Engineer Adam Mitz discusses the Go programming language (https://golang.org/). Our last Go talk was about five years ago, so it's time to revisit Go, and see what's new.

As always, pizza and soda will be served. All OCI/Advantage engineers are welcome, and you can bring along your non-OCI colleagues.

If you'd like to see the talk but can't make it to OCI, you can tune in online (you will receive login instructions after you RSVP).  Whether you are coming to OCI or watching online, please RSVP at http://goo.gl/forms/u7fujPGPMy.

Since we have no way of knowing if you've "accepted" this invitation or added it to your calendar, please be sure to RSVP at http://goo.gl/forms/u7fujPGPMy