Software Delivery Assessment Workshop

Assess Your software delivery health process WORKSHOP

Understand your current state and confidently plan your modernization efforts.


  • To optimize their processes

  • To identify and mitigate risks

  • To enable and ready their teams for a successful app modernization and deployment

What to Expect:

Our software engineering and architecture experts will lead your team through exercises and activities to establish the best plan for your specific needs. 

Module 1: Current State Assessment

  • Interview key stakeholders to map current processes

  • Identify benefits of current approach and recent process modification attempts

  • Create visual map of organization and department verticals

  • Identify improvement opportunities

Module 2: Read-out and Validation

  • Validate process using strength and weakness analysis for improvement

  • Receive feedback on any understanding gaps

  • Facilitate open discussion on modernization efforts

  • Share testing and development process focused on higher-level, quality-driven functionality

 Participants walk away with:

  • Visualization and map of current software delivery processes 

  • Prioritized recommendations on key improvement opportunities including expected impact 

  • Implementation plan for the top 2 items

 This workshop is best suited for:

  • VPs, Directors and Managers of IT, Delivery, Operations, Engineering 

  • Product Owners

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