Way to Go Part 3: The Go Standard Library

Way to Go Part 3: The Go Standard Library

By Mark Volkmann, OCI Partner and Principal Software Engineer

April 2019

This article is the third in a multi-part series on the Go programming language. It provides details on the Go Standard Library.

The first article in the series provides an overview of the language and a quick-start guide. The second installment provides details on all the syntax in the Go language.

Future articles will cover concurrency, reflection, solutions to common tasks, modules, testing, and the future of Go.


The builtin constants, variables, types, and functions provided by Go are listed as being in the standard library package "builtin" for documentation purposes, but no such package actually exists.

The following sections describe each of the provided builtins.

Builtin Constants

The provided constants include the boolean literals true and false, and iota.

iota is not actually a constant. It is a global counter that is set to zero at the beginning of every const definition, which is the only place it can be used.

The value of iota is incremented by one after each line in the const definition, except for blank lines and comment lines. It is typically used to define enumerated values.

The last expression involving iota is repeated for subsequent constant values but uses an incremented value of iota.

For example:

const (
  red   = iota // 0
  green        // 1
  blue         // 2
const (
  north = iota + 1 // iota = 0, 0 + 1 = 1
  south            // iota = 1, 1 + 1 = 2
  east             // iota = 2, 2 + 1 = 3
  west             // iota = 3, 3 + 1 = 4
const (
  t1 = iota * 3 // iota = 0, 0 * 3 = 0
  t2            // iota = 1, 1 * 3 = 3
  t3            // iota = 2, 2 * 3 = 6
const (
  _        = iota             // iota = 0, ignore first value
  kb int64 = 1 << (10 * iota) // iota = 1, 1 shifted left 10 places, 1024
  mb                          // iota = 2, 1 shifted left 20 places, 1048576
  gb                          // iota = 3, 1 shifted left 30 places, 1073741824
// Silly example
const (
  apple  = 9        // iota = 0
  banana = 8        // iota = 1
  cherry = iota + 3 // iota = 2, value = 2 + 3 = 5
  date              // iota = 3, value = 3 + 6 = 6

Builtin Variables

There is only one provided variable, named nil. This is the zero value for a pointer, channel, func, interface, map, or slice.

For example, the current value of all the variables below is nil.

var ptr *string         // pointer
var c chan string       // channel
type stringToString func(string) string
var f stringToString    // function
var i error             // interface
var m map[string]string // map
var s []string          // slice

Builtin Types

Go defines the following builtin "basic types."

The only values are the builtin constants true and false. These can be used with the operators &&, ||, and !.
This is an alias for the type uint8.
complex64 and complex128
These are used to represent complex numbers with a specified number of bits.
float32 and float64
These are used to represent floating-point numbers with a specified number of bits. float64 is preferred in most cases.
int, int8, int16, int32, int64
These are used to represent signed integers with a specified number of bits. The type int is at least 32 bits. Its size is based on the word size of the host platform, 32 bits on 32-bit systems and 64 bits on 64-bit systems. int is preferred in many cases.
uint, uint16, uint32, uint64
These are used to represent unsigned integers with a specified number of bits. The type uint is at least 32 bits.
This type can hold any kind of pointer.
This is an alias for int32. It is used for unicode characters that range in size from 1 to 4 bytes (a.k.a. Unicode code point). Literal values of this type are surrounded by single quotes.
This is a sequence of 8-bit bytes, not Unicode characters. However, the bytes are often used to represent Unicode characters.

Go defines the type error to represent an error condition. Variables of this type have the value nil when there is no error.

Non-basic types include aggregate, reference, and interface types.

Aggregate types include arrays and structs.

Reference types include pointers, slices, maps, functions, and channels.

Documentation Types

Despite the fact that Go does not currently support generic types, the following "generic type" names (that are not real types) appear in the Go documentation.

  • Type – represents a specific type for a given function invocation
  • Type1 – like Type but for a second type
  • ComplexType – represents a complex64 or complex128
  • FloatType – represents a float32 or float64
  • IntegerType – represents any integer type

Builtin Functions

Data Structure Functions

append(slice []Type, elems ...Type) []Type
This appends elements to the end of a slice and returns the updated slice.
cap(v Type) int
This returns the capacity of a string, array, slice, or map.
copy(dst, src []Type) int
This copies elements from a source slice to a destination slice and returns the number of elements copied.
delete(m map[Type]Type1, key Type)
This deletes a key/value pair from a map.
len(v Type) int
This returns the length of a string, array, slice, or map
make(t Type, size ...IntegerType) Type
This allocates and initializes a slice, map, or channel.
If Type is Slice, pass the length, and optional capacity.
If Type is Map, optionally specify the number of key/value pairs for which to allocate space. See the "Channel Functions" section below for details on using make to create a Channel.
new(Type) *Type
This allocates memory for a given type and returns a pointer to it.

Output Functions

print(args ...Type)
This writes to stderr; useful for debugging.
println(args ...Type)
This is like print but adds a newline at the end.

To write to stdout, see the fmt package.

Error Handling Functions

See the "Error Handling" section of the second article in this series for more detail on these.

panic(v interface{})
This stops normal execution of the current goroutine. It is somewhat like a throw in other languages.
Control cascades upward through the call stack. When it reaches the top, the program is terminated and an error is reported. This can be controlled by the recover function.
This should be called inside a deferred function to stop the panic sequence and restore normal execution. It is somewhat like a catch in other languages.

Channel Functions

Channels will be covered in detail in a future article on concurrency.

close(c chan<-)
This closes a channel after the last sent value is received.
make(Channel [, buffer-capacity])
This creates a channel. The channel is unbuffered if buffer-capacity is omitted or is zero.

Complex Number Functions

complex(real, imag FloatType) ComplexType
This creates a complex value from two floating-point values that represent the real and imaginary parts.
imag(c ComplexType) FloatType
This returns the imaginary part of a complex number.
real(c ComplexType) FloatType
This returns the real part of a complex number.

Type Conversions

No type conversions are performed implicitly. For example, non-boolean values are not automatically converted to booleans to allow them to be used in a boolean context.

Many builtin types can be used as conversion functions. For example, float32(value) converts any numeric type to a float32, and int(value) converts any numeric type to an int, truncating any fractional part.

The bool type cannot be used as a function to convert other basic types to a boolean. For example, if n is a variable that holds an intbool(n) results in a compile-time error and does not return true or false. To obtain a boolean value from a number, use an expression like n != 0.

In numeric conversions, if the value is too large to fit in the target type, the value will be changed. For example, in i := 1234; j := int8(i) the value of j will be -46 because 1234 is too large to fit in an int8.

Using the builtin primitive types as conversion functions will trigger an error if the conversion cannot be performed. For example, attempting to convert a string to an int is an error, even if the string contains a valid number.

To convert the string representation of a number to a number, use the strconv package. For example:

s := "19"
i, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32) // base 10, bitsize 32
s = "3.14"
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 65) // bitsize 64

When a value is held in an interface type, a type assertion can be used to convert it to a non-interface type. This includes the "any" type interface{}.

For example, var f = value.(float32) converts a value with an interface type to a float32. This only works if the value actually has a type of float32.

See the "Type Assertions" section of the second article in this series for more detail.

Standard Library Packages

Go provides many packages in the "standard library." To see a list of them, browse https://golang.org/pkg/.

Clicking on the name of a library function in the documentation displays its source code, which is useful for learning how they work and seeing examples of good Go code.

Highlights of the standard library include:

This provides functions to perform buffered I/O using the types Reader and Writer. It also provides a Scanner type that splits input into lines and words.
This not a real package, just a place to document builtin constants, variables, types, and functions. Most of these were described earlier in this article.
This implements a kind of tree data structure.
This implements a doubly linked list. This package is described in the "Linked Lists" section below.
This implements circular lists.
This defines interfaces implemented by relational database-specific drivers. For example, there are drivers for MySQL and PostgreSQL. This package will be described in more detail in a future article on common tasks in Go.
This defines interfaces for reading and writing various data formats such as CSV, JSON, and XML. This package will be described in more detail in a future article on common tasks in Go. The encoding/json package is described in the "JSON" section below.
This provides the New function that creates error values that have a string description and a method named Error to retrieve the description. This package was described in the "Error Handling" section of the second article in this series.
This provides flag parsing for command-line applications. This package is described in the "Command-line Flags" section below.
This provides functions for formatted I/O. Many of its functions are similar to C's printf and scanf. This package is described in the "Formatting" section below.
The sub-packages of this package implement all the standard Go tooling, such as source file parsing to ASTs and code formatting. This package was described in the first article in this series. Additional detail will be provided in a future article on Go tooling.
This provides functions to parse and create HTML. The html/template package will be described in a future article on common tasks in Go.
This provides functions to parse (decode) and create (encode) images in GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats.
This provides functions to read and write buffers and files. The function io.Copy copies data from a writer to a reader. This package will be described in more detail in a future article on common tasks in Go.
This provides simple logging. This package is described in the "Logging" section below.
This provides many math functions, including ones for logarithms and trigonometry.
This provides functions to encode and decode multimedia formats.
This provides functions that perform network I/O, including TCP and UDP.
This provides functions to send and listen for HTTP and HTTPS requests. This package will be described in more detail in a future article on common tasks in Go.
This provides access to operating system functionality like that provided by UNIX shell commands. It defines the File type, which supports opening, reading, writing, and closing files. It defines the constants PathSeparator ('/' on UNIX), and PathListSeparator (':' on UNIX). It provides the function os.Exit(status) that exits the process with a given status. This package will be described in more detail in a future article on common tasks in Go.
This provides functions that run external (operating system) commands. This package is described in the "OS Commands" section below.
This provides functions that work with UNIX-style file paths and URLs.
This provides types and functions that support using reflection to work with types determined at runtime. This package will be described in more detail in a future article on reflection in Go.
This provides functions that perform regular expression searches. This package is described in the "Regular Expressions" section below.
This provides functions that sort slices and other collections. This package is described in the "Sorting" section below.
This provides conversions to and from string representations of primitive types. For example, strconv.Atoi converts a string to an int, and strconv.Itoa converts an int to a string. This package was described in more detail in the "Type Conversions" section above.
This provides many functions that operate on strings, including Contains, HasPrefix, HasSuffix, Index, Join, Repeat, Split, ToLower, ToTitle, ToUpper, and Trim. It also defines the Builder, Reader, and Replacer types. This package is described in more detail in the "Strings" section below.
This provides synchronization primitives, such as mutual exclusion locks. Often code will use channels and select instead to achieve this. This package will be described in more detail in a future article on concurrency in Go.
This provides functions and types that support automated tests run by go test. The sub-package quick implements fuzz testing. This package will be described in more detail in a future article on tests in Go.
This provides functions that parse text, write tabbed columns, and support data-driven templates. The text/template package will be described in a future article on common tasks in Go.
This provides functions that measure and display times and dates. Use of this package was demonstrated in the "Struct Field Encapsulation" section of the second article in this series.
This provides functions that work with and test Unicode characters. This package is described in more detail in the "Unicode" section below.

In addition to the standard library, also see the "sub-repositories" that are part of the Go project but maintained outside the main repository. A good starting place is https://godoc.org/-/subrepo.

The following sections provide examples of using some of the standard libraries.


The standard library package fmt defines many functions that read and write formatted messages.

Functions that read have names that start with Scan. Functions that write have names that start with Print.

The most commonly used functions in this package include:

fmt.Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error
This creates an error value containing a formatted message.
fmt.Printf(format string, args ...interface{})
This writes a formatted string to stdout.
fmt.Println(args ...interface{})
This writes the string representation of each of the arguments to stdout, separated by spaces and followed by a newline.

Format strings can contain placeholders that begin with a percent sign. These are referred to as "verbs". Commonly used verbs include:

  • %d for decimal values (includes all the integer types)
  • %f for floating point values
  • %s for strings
  • %t for boolean values to output "true" or "false"
  • %p for pointers (prints hex address of a variable)
  • %v for any value in its default format
  • %+v is similar to %v but includes struct field names
  • %T to output the type of a value

It is common for format strings to end with \n to output a newline character.

For example, to output a number indented by the number of spaces specified in the variable indent:

indent := 4
number := 19
fmt.Printf("%*s%d\n", indent, "", number)
// outputs "    19" without the quotes

Asterisks can be added to all of the verbs to control the minimum number of characters output. When these are used, one argument must be supplied for each asterisk and one for the value to be formatted.

Here are some examples:

fmt.Printf("[%*s]\n", 5, "abc") // [  abc], right-aligned by default
fmt.Printf("[%-*s]\n", 5, "abc") // [abc  ], left-aligned by dash
fmt.Printf("[%*s]\n", 3, "abcdef") // [abcdef], not truncated
fmt.Printf("[%*d]\n", 5, 123) // [  123]
fmt.Printf("[%*d]\n", 3, 12345) // [12345], not truncated
fmt.Printf("[%*.2f]\n", 5, 3.456) // [ 3.46]
fmt.Printf("[%*.*f]\n", 5, 2, 3.456) // outputs same

There are also fmt flags to always sign numbers, pad numbers with zeros instead of spaces, output hex values, and more.

Command-line Flags

The standard library package flags supports documenting and parsing command-line flags for an application. Each flag is described by a type, name, default value, and documentation string. The type can be any builtin primitive type or a user-defined type (using flag.Var).

For example, here is a simple application in a file named flag-demo.go that outputs a range of integer values with a given string prefix.

package main
import (
// These pointers will be set after flag.Parse is called.
// There are flag functions for all the primitive data types.
var minPtr = flag.Int("min", 1, "minimum value")
var maxPtr = flag.Int("max", 10, "maximum value")
var prefixPtr = flag.String("prefix", "", "prefix")
func main() {
  prefix := *prefixPtr
  for i := *minPtr; i <= *maxPtr; i++ {
    fmt.Printf("%s%d\n", prefix, i)

To build this, enter go build.

To get help on the flags, enter ./flag-demo --help which outputs:

Usage of ./flags:
  -max int
        maximum value (default 10)
  -min int
        minimum value (default 1)
  -prefix string

Flag names are preceded by a single dash, followed by = or a space, and a value.

To run this, enter one of the following lines:

./flag-demo -min 3 -max 5 -prefix foo
./flag-demo -min=3 -max=5 -prefix=foo

both of which output


If an invalid value is used for any of the flags, an error message is displayed, followed by the help output.

For example, if a non-integer value such as "x" is specified for the max flag, the following error message is output:

invalid value "x" for flag -max: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "x": invalid syntax


The standard library package io defines the Reader and Writer interfaces.


The Reader interface has a single method Read. This reads from an underlying data stream, populates a byte slice, and returns the number of bytes read or an error. For example, the error is io.EOF if the end of a stream is reached.

There are many implementations of this interface in the standard library, including ones for reading from strings, files, and network connections.

To read from a string, see https://tour.golang.org/methods/21.

One way to read from a file is to use the package io/ioutil, which defines a ReadFile function. This reads the entire file in one call.

For example:

package main
import (
func main() {
  // Read entire file into a newly created byte array.
  bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("haiku.txt")
  if err != nil {

When there is an attempt to read past the end of a stream, an io.EOF error is returned. Some ways of reading from a stream check for this, so the error is never generated. For example, a "scanner" can be used to read the lines in a file one at a time.

package main
import (
func main() {
  // Get an os.File which implements the io.Reader interface
  // by having a Read method.
  file, err := os.Open("haiku.txt")
  if err != nil {
  defer file.Close()
  scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) // takes an io.Reader
  for scanner.Scan() { // returns true if another line was read
    fmt.Println(count, scanner.Text())
  // Check for any errors from the calls to Scan and Text.
  if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {


The Writer interface has a single method Write. This writes a byte slice to an underlying data stream and returns the number of bytes written or an error. There are many implementations in the standard library, including ones for writing to strings, files, and network connections.

The package io/ioutil defines a WriteString function that writes a string to a file.

For example:

package main
import (
func check(err error) {
  if err != nil {
func writeString(file *os.File, text string) {
  bytes, err := io.WriteString(file, text)
  fmt.Printf("wrote %v bytes\n", bytes)
func main() {
  file, err := os.Create("out-file.txt")
  defer file.Close()
  writeString(file, "first line\n")
  writeString(file, "second line\n")

The package io/ioutil defines a WriteFile function that writes all the data to a file in a single call.

For example:

package main
import (
func main() {
  // Convert a string to a byte slice.
  data := []byte("Line #1\nLine #2")
  // Make the file readable and writable by the owner
  // and readable by all others.
  mode := os.FileMode(0644)
  err := ioutil.WriteFile("new-file.txt", data, mode)
  if err != nil {

To write data a little at time, use the os.File Write method.

For example:

package main
import (
func check(err error) {
  if err != nil {
func writeLine(file *os.File, text string) {
  bytes, err := file.Write([]byte(text + "\n"))
  fmt.Printf("wrote %v bytes\n", bytes)
func main() {
  file, err := os.Create("out-file.txt")
  defer file.Close()
  writeLine(file, "Line #1")
  writeLine(file, "Line #2")


The encoding/json standard library package supports marshaling and unmarshaling of JSON data. Go arrays and slices are represented by JSON arrays. Go structs and maps are represented by JSON objects.

The encoding/xml standard library package provides similar functionality for XML.

To marshal data to JSON, use the json.Marshal function. This takes a Go value and returns a byte slice that can be converted to a string with the string function.

Only exported struct fields are marshaled. For example:

import (
type Person struct {
  FirstName string
  LastName string
  Age int
  height int
func main() {
  p := Person{FirstName: "Mark", LastName: "Volkmann", height: 74}
  json1, err := json.Marshal(p)
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Println(string(json1)) // {"FirstName":"Mark","LastName":"Volkmann","Age":0}

Some Go values cannot be marshaled to JSON. These include maps with non-string keys, functions, and channels. Pointers are marshaled as the values to which they point. Cyclic data structures cannot be marshaled because they cause json.Marshal to go into an infinite loop.

Here is an example of marshaling a slice of structs.

people := []Person{
  Person{FirstName: "Mark", LastName: "Volkmann", Age: 57},
  Person{FirstName: "Tami", LastName: "Volkmann"},
json2, err := json.Marshal(people)
// skipping err check
// [{"FirstName":"Mark","LastName":"Volkmann","Age":57},{"FirstName":"Tami","LastName":"Volkmann","Age":0}]

Each struct field definition can be followed by a "field tag," which is a string containing metadata. These provide information about how a field should be processed in a specific context.

A field tag with a "json" key specifies processing that should be performed by the encoding/json package. This includes specifying an alternate name for a field to be used in the JSON representation and an option to omit the field if its value is the zero value for its type.

For example:

type Person2 struct {
  FirstName string `json:"name"`
  LastName  string `json:"surname"`
  Age       int    `json:"age,omitempty"`
p2 := Person2{FirstName: "Mark", LastName: "Volkmann"}
json3, err := json.Marshal(p2)
// skipping err check
fmt.Println(string(json3)) // {"name":"Mark","surname":"Volkmann"}

To unmarshal data from JSON use the json.Unmarshal function. The first argument is a byte slice representing a JSON string. The second argument is a pointer to a struct, map, slice, or array to be populated.

Only exported struct fields are populated. For example:

var p3 Person
err = json.Unmarshal(json1, &p3)
// skipping err check
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", p3) // {FirstName:Mark LastName:Volkmann Age:0}

Properties present in the JSON but absent in a target struct are ignored. This is determined by case-insensitive name matching. It allows unmarshaling a selected subset of the JSON data.

For example:

type PersonSubset struct {
  LastName string
var pSubset PersonSubset
err = json.Unmarshal(json1, &pSubset)
// skipping err check
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", pSubset) // {LastName:Volkmann}

A JSON object can be unmarshaled into a Go map.

When the JSON property values have a variety of types, it is useful to use a map with string keys and values of type interface{}, which can hold any kind of value. Unmarshaling from JSON types to Go types produces what would be expected and includes mapping JSON numbers to Go float64 values.

This approach can also be used to unmarshal a JSON array of arbitrary JSON objects. For example:

type MyMap map[string]interface{}
mySlice := []MyMap{}
err = json.Unmarshal(json2, &mySlice) // see value for json2 above
// skipping err check
fmt.Printf("myMap = %+v\n", mySlice)
// [map[FirstName:Mark LastName:Volkmann Age:57] map[Age:0 FirstName:Tami LastName:Volkmann]]

The encoding/json package also provides the ability to encode and decode streams of JSON data one object at a time. This allows creation of JSON that is larger than will fit in memory. It also allows processing JSON data as it is decoded, rather than waiting until the entire stream is decoded.

Linked Lists

The standard library package container/list defines the types List and Element for creating and operating on doubly linked lists.

Element objects represent nodes in the List. They are structs that have a Value field with a type of interface{}, which allows them to hold a value of any type.

To create a new, empty, doubly linked list, use the List method New. For example, myList := list.New().

To add an Element to a List, use the List methods PushFront, PushBack, InsertAfter, and InsertBefore. These take a value of any type and return the Element object they add to the List.

To get the length of a List, use the List method Len.

To get the first or last Element in a List, use the List method Front or Back.

To add a copy of all the Element objects in another List to a List, use the List methods PushFrontList and PushBackList.

To move an Element object to another location within its List, use the List methods MoveToFront, MoveToBack, MoveAfter, and MoveBefore.

To remove an Element from its List, use the List method Remove.

To remove all the Element objects from a List, making it empty, use the Init method.

To get the Element that comes before or after a given Element, use the Element method Prev or Next.

For example:

package main
import (
type Team struct {
  Name   string
  Wins   int
  Losses int
func main() {
  // Create an empty, doubly-linked list.
  teams := list.New()
  // Add elements to the list.
  // Team records are from 11/24/2018.
  firstPlace := teams.PushFront(Team{"Chiefs", 9, 2})
  lastPlace := teams.PushBack(Team{"Raiders", 2, 8})
  teams.InsertBefore(Team{"Broncos", 4, 6}, lastPlace)
  teams.InsertAfter(Team{"Chargers", 7, 3}, firstPlace)
  for team := teams.Front(); team != nil; team = team.Next() {
    fmt.Println(team.Value.(Team).Name) // Chiefs, Chargers, Broncos, Raiders


The standard library package log provides functions that help with writing error messages to stderr.

By default, log.Fatal(message) outputs a line containing the date, time, and message, and exits with a status code of 1.

By default, log.Fatalf(formatString, args) is similar, but uses a format string to specify a message string that includes placeholders for the remaining arguments.

Including the date and time in log messages is useful in long-running applications like web servers.

A custom prefix can be added to all messages produced by the log package by calling log.SetPrefix(prefix).

The date and time can be suppressed in all messages produced by the log package by calling log.SetFlags(0). This function takes an integer, which is the result of or'ing predefined constants that identify the desired parts of the prefix.

The constants are:

  • Ldate – yyyy/mm/dd in local time zone
  • Ltime – hh:mm:ss in local time zone
  • Lmicroseconds – hh:mm:ss.microseconds
  • Llongfile – full-file-path:line-number
  • Lshortfile – file-name.file-extension:line-number
  • LUTC – use UTC instead of local time zone for dates and times
  • LstdFlags – same as Ldate | Ltime; the default flags value

log.Panic(message) outputs a line containing the date, time, and message, followed by a line containing "panic:" and the message again, followed by a stack trace. It exits the application with a status code of 2.

To write messages to stdout that include a file name, line number, name of a variable, and its value, write a function like the following and call it from other functions.

func logValue(name string, value interface{}) {
  // Passing 1 to runtime.Caller causes it to get the
  // information from one level higher in the call stack.
  _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1)
  if ok {
    fmt.Printf("%s:%d %s=%v\n", file, line, name, value)
  } else {
    fmt.Printf("%s=%v\n", name, value)

OS Commands

The standard library package os/exec defines types with methods that support executing operating system commands. The four methods that do this are OutputCombinedOutputRun, and Start. All but Start block until the command finishes.

To use these methods, create a Cmd object by calling cmd.Command. This takes a command name and its arguments as separate string arguments. It returns a pointer to a Cmd object.

Cmd object can only execute its command once. To execute the same command again, create a new Cmd object.

The Output method returns a byte array containing the output to stdout and an error. If the error is not nil, error.Stderr will be set to a byte slice, which can be turned into a string with string(error.Stderr).

The CombinedOutput method returns a byte array containing the combined output to stdout and stderr, and an error.

The Run method returns an error. Before calling this, optionally assign an io.Reader to cmd.Stdin to supply an input stream, assign an io.Writer to cmd.Stdout to supply an output stream, and assign an io.Writer to cmd.Stderr to supply an error stream.

For example, all of the following approaches produce the same output:

  cmd := exec.Command("ls", "-la")
  output, err := cmd.Output()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Command =", string(output))
  cmd = exec.Command("ls", "-la")
  output, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("CombinedOutput =", string(output))
  cmd = exec.Command("ls", "-la")
  var stdout bytes.Buffer
  cmd.Stdout = &stdout
  err = cmd.Run()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Run =", stdout.String())
  cmd = exec.Command("ls", "-la")
  var stdout2 bytes.Buffer
  cmd.Stdout = &stdout2
  err = cmd.Start()
  if err != nil {
  // Do something else here before using the `wait` method
  // to block until the command completes.
  err = cmd.Wait()
  if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("Start =", stdout2.String())

Regular Expressions

The standard library package regexp defines functions and the type Regexp for working with regular expressions.

The regular expression syntax supported by this package is mostly the same as that supported by Perl. For details on the syntax, see https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax.

The easiest way to determine if text matches a regular expression is to use the functions MatchString and Match. Both return a bool indicating whether there is a match. These differ in how the text to be tested is supplied. MatchString takes a String, and Match takes a byte slice.

For example:

package main
import (
func main() {
  text := "FooBarBaz"
  matched, err := regexp.MatchString("Bar", text)
  fmt.Println(matched, err) // true nil
  matched, err = regexp.MatchString("^Foo", text)
  fmt.Println(matched, err) // true nil
  matched, err = regexp.MatchString("Baz$", text)
  fmt.Println(matched, err) // true nil
  matched, err = regexp.MatchString("bad[", text)
  fmt.Println(matched, err) // false error parsing regexp: missing closing ]
  // The file haiku.txt contains:
  // Out of memory.
  // We wish to hold the whole sky,
  // but we never will.
  bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("haiku.txt")
  if err != nil {
  matched, err = regexp.Match("whole sky", bytes)
  fmt.Println(matched, err) // true nil

For regular expressions that will be used multiple times, it is more efficient to create a Regexp object, so the regular expression is parsed only once.

The functions Compile and CompilePOSIX take a string and return a pointer to a Regexp and an error. A non-nil error is returned if the string cannot be parsed as a regular expression.

The functions MustCompile and MustCompilePOSIX are similar, but panic instead of returning an error.

The POSIX variants restrict the regular expression syntax and use "leftmost-longest" matching. For details, see https://golang.org/pkg/regexp/#CompilePOSIX.

For example:

  // Panics if the regular expression cannot be parsed.
  // Note how backslashes for character classes
  // must be escaped with a second backslash.
  bingoRE := regexp.MustCompile("^[BINGO]\\d{1,2}$")
  // Escaping backslashes is not needed in raw string literals
  // (delimited by back ticks).  For example,
  //bingoRE := regexp.MustCompile(`^[BINGO]\d{1,2}$`)
  // Determine whether a strings matches this regular expression.
  callout := "G57"
  matched := bingoRE.MatchString(callout)
  fmt.Println(matched) // true

To capture matches of specific portions of a regular expression, surround them with parentheses to define "capture groups."

The method FindStringSubmatch returns a slice containing the full match and the match for each of the capture groups. If the string does not match the regular expression, an empty slice is returned.

For example, the following regular expression defines capture groups to capture the letter and number of a Bingo call.

  bingoRE := regexp.MustCompile("^([BINGO])(\\d{1,2})$")
  matches := bingoRE.FindStringSubmatch("G57")
  fmt.Printf("matches = %v\n", matches) // matches = [G57 G 57]

To split a string on a regular expression delimiter, use the Regexp Split method.

For example:

  text := "ab1c23def456g"
  digitsRE := regexp.MustCompile("\\d+") // matches one or more digits
  parts := digitsRE.Split(text, -1) // -1 to return all parts
  fmt.Printf("parts = %v\n", parts) // parts = [ab c def g]

We have just scratched the surface of the regexp package. There are many more methods on the Regexp type.


The standard library package sort defines functions and types that help with sorting slices and custom collections.

To sort slices of primitive values, use the functions IntsFloat64s, and Strings. For example:

numbers := []int{7, 3, 9, 1}
fmt.Printf("%v\n", numbers) // [1 3 7 9]

To determine if a slice of primitive values is already sorted, use the functions IntsAreSorted, Float64sAreSorted, and StringsAreSorted.

To sort a slice of non-primitive values, pass the slice and a function for comparing elements to the Slice function. For example:

package main
type Person struct {
  Name string
  Occupation string
func main() {
  people := []Person{}
  people = append(people, Person{"Mark", "software engineer"})
  people = append(people, Person{"Tami", "vet receptionist"})
  people = append(people, Person{"Amanda", "nurse"})
  people = append(people, Person{"Jeremy", "IT manager"})
  // This function determines whether
  // the slice element at index1 should come before
  // the slice element at index2 in the sort order.
  belongsBefore := func(index1, index2 int) bool {
    return people[index1].Name < people[index2].Name
  sort.Slice(people, belongsBefore)
  for _, person := range people {
    fmt.Printf("%v\n", person)
  // Output is:
  // {Amanda nurse}
  // {Jeremy IT manager}
  // {Mark software engineer}
  // {Tami vet receptionist}

To sort a custom collection, rather than a slice, implement the methods in the sort.Interface interface for the custom collection type.

These methods include LenLess, and Swap.

  • The Len method returns the number of elements in the collection.
  • The Less method takes two indexes and returns a bool that indicates whether the element at the first index comes before the element at the second index in sort order.
  • The Swap method takes two indexes and modifies the collection, so the elements at those indexes are swapped.

Finally, call the sort.Sort function to sort the collection.

The sort.Sort function performs an unstable sort. This means that two elements with the same "sort key" may be in a different order after the sort. For a stable sort, use sort.Stable instead.

For example, this approach can be used to sort a linked list. The following code sorts the list of Team elements created in the "Doubly Linked List" section above.

package main
import (
// ListAt returns a pointer to the List Element at a given index.
// This is not an efficient operation for a linked list.
func ListAt(l *list.List, index int) *list.Element {
  len := l.Len()
  if index >= len {
    return nil
  element := l.Front()
  for i := 1; i < index; i++ {
    element = element.Next()
  return element
// ListPrint prints the elements of a linked list.
func ListPrint(l *list.List) {
  for element := l.Front(); element != nil; element = element.Next() {
// Team describes a sports team.
type Team struct {
  Name   string
  Wins   int
  Losses int
// ByName is used to sort a linked list of Team object by team name.
type ByName struct {
  teams *list.List
// Len returns the length of the linked list of Teams.
func (b ByName) Len() int {
  return b.teams.Len()
// Less determines if the Team at one index belongs
// before the Team at another index in the sort order.
func (b ByName) Less(i, j int) bool {
  teams := b.teams
  team1 := ListAt(teams, i).Value.(Team)
  team2 := ListAt(teams, j).Value.(Team)
  return team1.Name < team2.Name
// Swap swaps the Teams at the given indexes.
func (b ByName) Swap(i, j int) {
  if i > j {
    i, j = j, i // swap indexes so i < j
  teams := b.teams
  el1 := ListAt(teams, i)
  el2 := ListAt(teams, j)
  el2Next := el2.Next()
  teams.MoveAfter(el2, el1)
  if el2Next == nil {
  } else {
    teams.MoveBefore(el1, el2Next)
func main() {
  // Create an empty, doubly-linked list.
  teams := list.New()
  // Add Teams to the list.
  firstPlace := teams.PushFront(Team{"Chiefs", 9, 2})
  lastPlace := teams.PushBack(Team{"Raiders", 2, 8})
  teams.InsertBefore(Team{"Broncos", 4, 6}, lastPlace)
  teams.InsertAfter(Team{"Chargers", 7, 3}, firstPlace)
  // Output is:
  // {Broncos 4 6}
  // {Chargers 7 3}
  // {Chiefs 9 2}
  // {Raiders 2 8}

In addition to sorting, the sort package provides functions for searching slices. 

SearchIntsSearchFloat64s, and SearchStrings search an already sorted slice of their type for an element with a given value and return its index.


The standard library package strings provides functions for operating on strings. The code below demonstrates many of them.

package main
import (
func main() {
  text := "abcdef"
  fmt.Println(strings.Contains(text, "bc")) // true
  fmt.Println(strings.HasPrefix(text, "ab")) // true
  fmt.Println(strings.HasSuffix(text, "ef")) // true
  fmt.Println(strings.Index(text, "cd")) // 2
  names := []string{"Mark", "Tami", "Amanda", "Jeremy"}
  joined := strings.Join(names, ", ")
  fmt.Printf("%+v\n", joined) // Mark, Tami, Amanda, Jeremy
  fmt.Println(strings.Repeat(text, 2)) // abcdefabcdef
  fmt.Println(strings.Split(text, "cd")) // [ab ef]
  fmt.Println(strings.ToUpper(text)) // ABCDEF
  fmt.Println(strings.Trim("  foo bar  ", " ")) // "foo bar"
  // Also see TrimLeft and TrimRight.
  // The Builder type supports efficiently building strings.
  var b strings.Builder
  // Other Write methods on Builder include:
  // Write to write a byte slice
  // WriteByte to write a single byte
  // WriteRune to write a single rune
  fmt.Println(b.String()) // FooBarBaz
  sentence := "Mark goes to the park."
  fmt.Println(strings.Replace(sentence, "ar", "il", -1)) // Milk goes to the pilk.
  // The Replacer type provides a more powerful alternative to strings.Replace.
  // This demonstrates HTML entity escaping.
  // Create a Replace object with pairs of old/new strings.
  r := strings.NewReplacer("&", "&amp;", "'", "&apos;", "\"", "&quot;", "<", "&lt;", ">", "&gt;")
  // Call the Replace method once for each string to be processed.
  fmt.Println(r.Replace("It's \"true\" that 5 is '>' 4."))
  // It&apos;s &quot;true&quot; that 5 is &apos;&gt;&apos; 4.


The standard library package unicode defines many constants, variables, functions, and types for testing and converting rune values.

Many of the constants define ranges of Unicode characters used in specific written languages.

Many of the functions take a rune and return a bool, indicating whether the rune is a member of a particular category of Unicode characters. These include IsDigit, IsLetter, IsLower, IsUpper, and IsSpace.

IsSpace determines whether a rune represents a whitespace character. These include the characters space, tab, newline, carriage return, and the less commonly used characters formfeed, non-breaking space (NBSP), vertical tab, and next line (NEL).

The functions ToLower and ToUpper take a rune and return another rune.


The Go standard library provides a broad range of functionality out of the box. We've seen some of the highlights here, but dig though the docs to discover even more!

Subscribe below to receive an email when new installments of this series are published. Next up will be a review of concurrency in Go.

Thanks to Charles Sharp for his detailed review of this article!

Software Engineering Tech Trends (SETT) is a regular publication featuring emerging trends in software engineering.
