Comparing Python and JavaScript: A Guide for Developers

Comparing Python and JavaScript: A Guide for Developers

By Mark Volkmann, OCI Partner and Principal Software Engineer

December 2020


In this article, I provide a comparison of the most commonly used features of Python and JavaScript. Lesser used features are omitted.

standard ECMAScript Python 3 documentation
evaluation dynamic dynamic
performance fast slow unless libraries call C/C++ functions
style guide Prettier PEP 8, Black
most common indentation 2 spaces 4 spaces (not tabs)
type coercion implicit explicit except between number types

Note: PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal.

Some oddities about Python code formatting include:

  • leaving two blank lines before and after every function and class definition
  • leaving two spaces before every comment that appears on the same line as code

Pros and Cons



  • ability to run in web browsers (clients) and from command line (servers) using Node.js
  • great support for asynchronous code
  • performance
  • compact syntax for functional programming (e.g., reduce vs. functools)
  • can use TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, to add type checking


  • still in transition from require to import syntax in Node.js
  • type coercions can result in surprising results if not familiar with them



  • targeted at scripting and rapid application development
  • quantity and maturity of libraries for data analysis and machine learning
  • multiple number types, not just double-precision float
  • some syntax is easier for beginners
    • no curly braces or semicolons, and fewer parentheses
    • and instead of &&, or instead of ||, and not instead of !
    • print vs. console.log
  • can add functions implemented in C/C++ or any language callable from C
  • can use type hints and tools like mypy to add type checking
  • oddly satisfying to type fewer characters (e.g., comment with # instead of //)


  • Even though Python convention is to separate words in multi-word variable, function, and method names with an underscore, there are many examples where no separation is used. This makes it difficult to guess the correct name.
  • Dictionary references for retrieving and setting values are more verbose than JavaScript object references. Rather than using dot syntax such as d.key, we must use d['key'] or d.get('key') even if the key is a single word.
  • Anonymous functions are limited to a single expression.
  • Lambda functions are more verbose than JavaScript arrow functions (lambda vs. =>).
  • The classic ternary operator using a ? and : is not supported. See the conditional logic section for an example.
  • There is no syntax for multi-line comments, so commenting out a block of code is tedious.
  • Magic methods such as __init__ use "dunder" names (for double underscore) which is an odd and verbose way to distinguish special values. Other programming languages typically use a single special character prefix. See a list in the Python magic methods section.
  • Use of operator overloading (supported by magic methods) can be confusing.
  • These was no built-in support for asynchronous code until the asyncio module was added in Python 3.4. Some features require Python 3.7+.
  • Python programs have poor performance. For examples, see The Computer Language Benchmark Game.
  • V3 contains breaking changes, so care must be taken when reading documentation and examples to verify version compatibility.

Running Scripts


JavaScript source files have an extension of .js or .mjs (for ECMAScript modules).

To run a JavaScript script outside a web browser:

  • install Node.js.
  • enter node {name}.js


Python source files have an extension of .py.

Multiple words in file names should be separated by underscores rather than hyphens because the file name becomes the module name and hyphens are not valid in module names. Avoid using file names that match that of an existing module because doing so will prevent you from being able to import the existing module.

To run a Python script:

  • install the Python interpreter from
  • enter python3 {name}.py or python {name}.py

In both cases, command line arguments can be passed to the script.

  • A JavaScript script running in Node.js can get command line arguments from the array process.argv. The first element is the path to the node executable, the second is the path to the script that is running, and the remaining elements are the command line arguments.
  • A Python script can get command line arguments from sys.argv. The first element is the path to the script that is running, and the remaining elements are the command line arguments.

To make a Python source file directly executable in UNIX systems:

  • Add this as the first line: #!/usr/bin/env python3
  • Make the file executable by entering chmod a+x {file-name}.py
  • To run it from a terminal, enter ./{name}.py

To automatically restart a script when it or a file it imports is modified:

  1. Install Node.js.
  2. npm install -g nodemon
  3. If running a JavaScript script, enter nodemon {name}.js
  4. If running a Python script, enter nodemon --exec python3 {name}.py.

Getting Help


In JavaScript, perform web searches that begin with "MDN" (for the Mozilla Developer Network) followed by a JavaScript search term. For example, "mdn regexp".


For Python help, see the list of resources at the end of this article.

You can also enter the python command to start the REPL and enter help() to start the help utility. Once inside, enter the name of a module to get help on it. To exit the help utility and return to the Python REPL, enter quit or just q.

Alternatively, once a module has been imported, help on it can be obtained by passing it to the help function. For example:

import re # for regular expressions


single-line // #
multi-line / ... / none

Workarounds for multiline comments in Python include using triple-quoted strings and adding if False: before a code block.

Naming Conventions

constant UNDER_SCORES same
variable camelCase under_scores
function camelCase under_scores
class CamelCase same
method camelCase under_scores
public instance properties camelCase under_scores
private instance properties no convention _under_scores

While Python uses a naming convention to identify constants (all uppercase), they can still be modified. And the naming convention for private instance variables (start with an underscore) doesn't prevent access from outside the class.

Many Python libraries, including the standard library, deviate from the Python naming conventions. In particular, it is common to find multi-word function and method names that are all lowercase with no separator between words. For example, the functools standard library defines the functions partial_method (follows convention) and singledispatchmethod (does not).

Built-in Types

Boolean true, false True, False
number default is double precision float, BigInt int, float, complex
character use strings same
string 'text' or "text" same
multi-line string text """text""" or '''text'''
string interpolation prefix${expr1}suffix${expr2} f'prefix{expr1}suffix{expr2}'
array Array class, literal syntax [v1, v2, ...] array module in standard library
list use Array class list class with literal syntax [v1, v2, ...]
mutable and typically homogeneous
tuple no equivalent tuple class with literal syntax (v1, v2, ...)
immutable and typically heterogeneous
range no equivalent range class
range(start, stop[, step])
key/value pairs Object class with literal syntax
{k1: v1, k2: v2, ...} and Map
dict class with literal syntax
{'k1': v1, 'k2': v2, ...}
set Set class;
create with new Set()
set class with literal syntax {v1, v2, ...}
or set(v1, v2, ...)
function see "Functions" section below see "Functions" section below
class class Name { ... }
see "Classes" section below
class Name:
see "Classes" section below
no value undefined or null None

Everything is an object in Python, even values that are primitives in JavaScript like Booleans, numbers, and strings.

Python has "sequences," whereas JavaScript has arrays. Kinds of sequences include string, list, tuple, range, set, and buffer. A list is a mutable sequence of values that typically have the same type. A tuple is an immutable sequence of values that can have varying types. A range is an immutable sequence of numbers that is often be used for looping.

JavaScript object keys must be strings, but Map keys can be any kind of value. Python dict keys can be any immutable type.

The values that are treated as false when used in a Boolean context are listed below:

LanguageFalse Values
Python False, 0, 0.0, 0j (complex), empty strings, empty sequences, and None
JavaScript false, 0, NaN, empty strings, undefined, and null

In JavaScript empty collections evaluate to true. These include arrays, objects, Map instances, and Set instances.

In Python the "not a number" value math.nan evaluates to true.


In both JavaScript and Python, modules are defined by a single source file. A source file can import other modules, and those can import more modules.

In both JavaScript and Python each module is imported only once. If its code is modified, the script must be re-run to interpret the changes.

JavaScript modules that are imported with a relative file path are only searched for in that location. JavaScript modules that are imported with only a name are searched for in the project node_modules directory and the global node_modules directory.

Python searches for modules in the following order:

  • built-in modules
  • directory relative to importing file (using dotted module names)
  • directories listed in the PYTHONPATH environment variable
  • installation-specific directories

To see the directories that will be searched, import sys and execute print(sys.path).

Several module-related topics are described in the following table:

a module is defined by ... content of file same
export export name = value; everything is automatically exported;
indicate private values by starting name with an underscore
default export export default name = value; not supported
import default import name from 'path'; not supported
import entire module const name from 'modname'; import modname or
import modname as other or
from modname import *
import specific values const {name1, name2} from 'modname'; or
const {name1 as other1, name2 as other2} from 'modname';
from modname import name1, name2 or
from modname import name1 as other1, name2 as other2
import default and named import name, {name1, name2} from 'path'; not supported
open source catalog
tool to install npm (installed with Node.js) pip (installed with Python) or
conda (installed with Anaconda)

In Python aliases are typically assigned to commonly used packages. The community has landed on using the aliases shown in the imports below.

PackageRecommended Import
in standard library
import collections as co
in standard library
import functools as ft
in standard library
import itertools as it
matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
NumPy import numpy as np
pandas import pandas as pd
TensorFlow import tensorflow as tf


JavaScript Packages

JavaScript "packages" are managed using the npm tool, which is installed when Node.js is installed. To allow each project to use different versions of packages and make it easy for other developers to install the same set of packages, create a package.json file in each project by entering npm init and answering some questions.

Python Packages

Python "packages" are managed using the pip tool, which is installed when Python is installed. The name is an acronym for "Pip Installs Packages." It installs packages from the Python Package Index (pypi). To upgrade the version of pip being used, enter python -m pip install --upgrade pip.

To allow each project to use different versions of packages and make it easy for other developers to install the same set of packages, create a virtual environment. There are several tools that can be used to do this. Options include Anaconda, virtualenv (primarily for Python 2), and venv (a subset of virtualenv for Python 3).

To create a virtual environment using venv, enter python -m venv env while in the project root directory. This creates an env subdirectory.

To activate this virtual environment, run the activate script in the env/bin directory. In Windows, enter env\bin\activate.bat. In UNIX environments, enter source env/bin/activate. (When using the Fish shell, add the .fish extension.)

Activating a virtual environment changes the environment to use versions of tools and libraries found in the project env directory instead of global ones. Note that rather than including a copy of a specific version of the Python interpreter, a symbolic link to it is created. This also changes the shell prompt to indicate the environment directory being used, env in this case.

To deactivate a virtual environment and return to using global versions of tools and libraries, enter deactivate.

Note that Python virtual environments must be activated to take effect. This differs from Node.js where simply changing to the directory of a project causes its dependencies versions to be used based on the contents of the node_modules subdirectory.

For details on using Anaconda to manage virtual environments, see here.

Using Packages

prepare a project npm init [-y] python -m venv env
where env is the directory name used by convention
install a package globally npm install -g {pkg-name} with no environment activated,
pip install {pkg-name}
install a package locally npm install {pkg-name} with an environment activated,
pip install {pkg-name}
install a specific version of a package npm install {pkg-name}@{version} pip install {pkg-name}=={version}
update to latest version of a specific package npm update {pkg-name} pip install --upgrade {pkg-name}
see where global packages are installed npm -g root with no environment activated,
pip list -v
see where local packages are installed npm root with an environment activated,
pip list -v
location of local packages {project-dir}/node_modules {project-dir}/lib/python{version}/site-packages
see list of locally installed packages npm ls or
open package.json and see
dependencies and devDependencies
with environment activated, pip list
create list of project package versions automatically maintained in package.json pip freeze > requirements.txt
install project package versions npm install pip install -r requirements.txt

Project Python Packages

Project Python packages enable importing modules from subdirectories. These are subdirectories whose names are a package name. The subdirectories must contain a file that can be empty or contain initialization code for the package.

Add .py files in the package directories that define modules. Then in .py files that wish to use a module in a package (located in ancestor directories), use from package-name import module-name. To import specific things from package modules, use from package-name.module-name import name1, name2.

The directory structure can be as deep as you like with each subdirectory containing a file. When there are nested packages, imports look like from pkg1.pkg2 import module-name or from pkg1.pkg2.module-name import name1, name2.

For more information on Python packages, see the Packages in the Python Tutorial.


write space-separated values to stdout console.log(v1, v2, ...); print(v1, v2, ..)
write space-separated values to stderr console.error(v1, v2, ...); import sys
print(v1, v2, ..., file=sys.stderr)
write to stdout with interpolation console.log(Hello ${name}, today is ${dayOfWeek}.); print(f'Hello {name}, today is {dayOfWeek}.')
write to stdout without newline in Node.js
const process = require('process');
process.stdout.write(v1, v2, ...);
print(v1, v2, ..., end='')

Variables and Assignment

JavaScript variables should be declared using either the const or let keyword. Python variables are not declared and are created when a value is assigned to them.

JavaScript variable assignments can appear inside expressions such as an if or loop condition, which many developers find confusing. This was not allowed in Python until version 3.8, which adds the "walrus operator" for assigning values to variables inside larger expressions. For example:

from calendar import day_name
from datetime import date
def get_day():
    index =
    return day_name[index]
if (day := get_day()) == 'Tuesday':
    print('Tacos!') # Tacos! if it's a Tuesday
print('day =', day) # Tuesday
# Typically the code is easier to read when
# the walrus operator is not used.  For example:
day = get_day()
if day == 'Tuesday':
    print('Tacos!') # Tacos! if it's a Tuesday

The pylint Python linting tool treats module-level variables as constants. It will output warnings if functions modify their values. To avoid this, list all such variables to be modified after the global keyword inside functions that modify them. The related keyword nonlocal enables functions to access variables in ancestor scopes that are not global.

constant declaration const NAME = value; NAME = value
variable declaration let name = value; name = value
get type of value in variable typeof v and type v:
multiple assignment const [a, b] = [1, 2] a, b = 1, 2
destructure sequence const [v1, v2, ...] = array;
# of variables can differ from # of elements
v1, v2 = seq
# of variables must match # of elements
destructure object const {k1, k2, ...} = object; not supported
un-declare variable name = undefined - just removes value del name
addition name += expr same
subtraction name -= expr same
multiplication name *= expr same
division name /= expr same
exponentiation name **= expr same
mod (remainder) name %= expr same
logical and name &&= expr not supported
logical or name ||= expr not supported
logical xor name ^= expr not supported
bitwise and name &= expr same
bitwise or name |= expr same
bitwise xor name ^= expr same
signed bit shift <<= (left), >>= (right) same
unsigned bit shift <<<= (left), >>>= (right) not supported

JavaScript destructuring can capture multiple values in one array variable. For example:

const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
[a, b,] = arr; // a=1, b=2, rest=[3, 4]

The rest variable above is set to an array. The "rest operator" ... must appear before the last variable.

Python refers to this operation as "unpacking," and it's even more capable.

seq = (1, 2, 3, 4) # using a tuple, but could also be a list
a, b, *rest = seq # a=1, b=2, rest=[3, 4]
a, *rest, b = seq # a=1, rest=[2, 3], b=4
a, b, *rest = seq # a=1, b=2, rest=[3, 4]

The rest variable above is set to a list.


equal == (with coercion) or === (without) == (without coercion)
not equal != (with coercion) or !== (without) != (without coercion)
same object === is
different object !== is not
less than < same
less than or equal <= same
greater than > same
greater than or equal >= same

Python comparisons can be chained, but JavaScript comparisons cannot. For example, to determine whether the value of a variable is between 10 and 20 inclusive:

  • in JavaScript, 10 <= n && n <= 20
  • in Python, 10 <= n <= 20

Code blocks


JavaScript code blocks are surrounded by curly brackets ({ code }). Long statements can be split over multiple lines without including any special character at the ends of initial lines.


Python uses leading whitespace (indentation) to determine which lines are part of the same block. All consecutive lines with the same indentation, ignoring empty lines, are considered to be in the same block.

For the purpose of this determination, tab characters are replaced by spaces so that the number of spaces is a multiple of eight. This is significant when a mixture of tabs and spaces is used, which is not recommended.

Python style guides recommend using multiples of four spaces for indentation and not using tab characters. Long statements can be split over multiple lines by adding a backslash (\) at the end of all but the last line when it is not clear that a statement is continuing.

Conditional Logic

In the JavaScript syntax below, sOrB is short for "statement or block." It can be a single statement or a set of statements surrounded by curly braces.

A JavaScript if statement can contain any number of else if parts.

A Python if statement can contain any number of elif parts. Python blocks must start on a new line and be indented.

if if (cond) sOrB if cond: block
if/else if (cond) sOrB1 else sOrB2 if cond: block1 else: block2
if/else if/else if (cond1) sOrB1 else if (cond2) sOrB2 else sOrB3 if cond: block1 elif cond2: block2 else: block3
switch switch (expr) { case v1: case v2: default } not supported
ternary cond ? trueValue : falseValue trueValue if cond else falseValue

Here's an example of using a Python ternary statement.

import sys
name = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) &gt; 1 else 'World'
# This is a nice alternative.
name = sys.argv[1] or 'World'
# This syntax is NOT supported.
name = len(sys.argv) &gt; 1 ? sys.argv[1] : 'World'


As we will see in the Key/Value Collections section later, JavaScript can store key/value pairs in plain objects or in instances of the Map class. Python uses "dictionaries" (or dicts) to store key/value pairs.

classic for loop for (let index = start; index < stop; index += step) for value in range(start, stop, step?):
over collection for (const value of iterable) for value in iterable:
over object/dict keys for (const key of Object.keys(obj))
or for (const key in obj)
for key in dict.keys():
over object/dict values for (const value of Object.values(obj)) for value in dict.values():
over object/dict keys and values for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) for key, value in dict.items():
top-tested while (cond) while cond:
bottom-tested do { ... } while (cond); while True: ... if !cond: break
break out of closest loop break same
continue to next iteration continue same



In JavaScript, functions can be defined in two ways.

// Named function
function myFn(p1, p2, ...) {
// Anonymous function (a.k.a. arrow function)
const myFn = (p1, p2, ...) =&gt; {

If an anonymous function has exactly one named argument, the parentheses around it are optional. If an anonymous function simply returns the value of a single expression, the curly braces around the body and the return keyword are optional.


In Python, functions can also be defined in two ways.

# Named function
def myFn:
# Lambda function
lambda args: expression

Python lambda functions can only return the value of a single expression. They cannot contain additional statements.

Python named functions can have a docstring as their first line. This is used by tools that generate documentation from code. It is typically delimited by triple quotes.

For guidelines on the content of docstrings, see the Documentation Strings" in the Python Tutorial and PEP-8 documentation strings.

A good docstring for a function looks like:

    """Return the average of a sequence of numbers."""

JavaScript does not support function overloading where the same function name can be defined multiple times with different numbers and/or types of arguments.

Python supports this in a limited sense using the singledispatch decorator defined in the functools standard library.

define named function fnName(params) { ... } def fnName(params): ...
define anonymous const fnName = (params) => definition lambda params: expression
define anonymous w/ single parameter const fnName = param => {...} same as above
define anonymous w/ single expression const fnName = (params) => expr same as above
specify default parameter values function fnName(p1=v1, p2=v2) {...} def fnName(p1=v1, p2=v2): ...
gather variable number of arguments function fnName(p1, p2, {...}
rest is set to an Array
def fnName(p1, p2, *rest): ...
rest is set to a tuple
gather arguments as key/value pairs not supported def fnName(args): ...
call with fnName(p1=v2, p2=v2)
or fnName(dict)
use named/keyword arguments function fnName({p1, p2}) {...}
pass an "options" object
same as above;
any parameter can be specified by name;
important feature!
call with fnName(p1=v2, p2=v2)
return a value return value; return value
default return value when no return undefined None
call fnName(args) same
get required argument count fnName.length from inspect import getfullargspec
passing fewer arguments than
positional parameters
remaining are assigned undefined results in an error
passing more arguments than
positional parameters with no gathering
all arguments are available in arguments array-like object results in an error
get name
get implementation code fnName.toString() from inspect import getsource
create partial const newFn = fnName.bind(thisValue, arg1, arg2, ...)
thisValue can be null
from functools import partial
newFn = partial(fn, arg1, arg2, ...)
call, arg1, arg2, ...)
thisValue can be null
ClassName.methodName(obj, arg1, arg2, ...)
apply fnName.apply(thisValue, argArray)
thisValue can be null
ClassName.methodName(obj, *argList)
spread array to positional arguments fnName(...arr) fnName(*seq)
spread object to keyword arguments not supported fnName(**dict)

In Python:

  • Function parameters with a default value must follows those without one.
  • Function parameters listed after one that begins with * must be specified by name.
  • Keyword arguments are often abbreviated as "kwargs" in documentation.
  • The partial function (shown in the table above) can be used only on functions. For methods of a class, use partial_method.
  • The default maximum recursion depth is 1000. To change this, call sys.setrecursionlimit(new_limit).

Execute Later or at Intervals

In JavaScript, the setTimeout function registers a function to be called after some number of milliseconds in the future. For example:

function myFunction(p1, p2) {
  console.log('myFunction: p1 =', p1, 'p2 =', p2);
// Call function above after one second.
const id1 = setTimeout(() =&gt; myFunction('arg1', 'arg2'), 1000);
if (tiredOfWaiting) clearTimeout(id1);

In Python the same can be done as follows:

import threading
def my_function(p1, p2):
    print('my_function: p1 =', p1, 'p2 =', p2)
# The Timer function takes the number of seconds to wait,
# the function to call, and a tuple of arguments to be passed.
t = threading.Timer(1.0, my_function, ('arg1', 'arg2'))
if tired_of_waiting:

In JavaScript, the setInterval function registers a function to be called repeatedly every some number of milliseconds. For example:

// Call the function above once every two seconds.
const id2 = setInterval(() =&gt; myFunction('arg1', 'arg2'), 2000);
if (tiredOfWaiting) clearInterval(id2);
// Cancel interval after five seconds.
setTimeout(() =&gt; clearInterval(id2), 5000);

In Python there is no simple equivalent. But the same can be done if we define and use a class as follows:

import threading
import time
class SetInterval:
    def __init__(self, seconds, fn, args):
        self.seconds = seconds
        self.fn = fn
        self.args = args
        self.event = threading.Event()
    def __set_interval(self):
        next_time = time.time() + self.seconds
        while not self.event.wait(next_time - time.time()):
            next_time += self.seconds
    def cancel(self):
def my_function(p1, p2):
    print('my_function: p1 =', p1, 'p2 =', p2)
interval = SetInterval(2, my_function, ('arg1', 'arg2'))
if tired_of_waiting:
# Cancel interval after five seconds.
threading.Timer(5, lambda: interval.cancel()).start()

Asynchronous Functions

In Python 3.4+, asynchronous functions are supported by the asyncio library.

define async named function async function fnName(params) { ... } async def fnName(params):
define async anonymous function const fnName = async (params) => { ... } not supported
async call with await const result = await name(args);
often wrapped in a try block
result = await name(args)
async call with then and catch name(args).
  then(result => { ... }).
  catch(err => { ...});

In JavaScript, async functions return a Promise object.

Here is an example of running tasks that take a simulated amount of time to complete. The first takes 3 seconds, the second takes 2, and the third takes 1. Each tasks outputs its "starting" message immediately. The "ending" messages appear in reverse order due to their differing sleep durations.

const sleep = async ms =&gt; new Promise(resolve =&gt; setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function doIt(name, sleepMs) {
  console.log('starting', name);
  await sleep(sleepMs);
  console.log('ending', name);
async function main() {
  const task1 = doIt('alpha', 3000);
  const task2 = doIt('beta', 2000);
  const task3 = doIt('gamma', 1000);
  await Promise.all([task1, task2, task3]);

The output is:

starting alpha
starting beta
starting gamma
ending gamma
ending beta
ending alpha

In Python 3.4, the asyncio library was added. It can be used to create coroutines which are similar to JavaScript Promises. The Python language doesn't provide the equivalent of the JavaScript promises, but libraries do.

Here is an implementation of the previous JavaScript example in Python that produces the same output:

from asyncio import create_task, gather, run, sleep
async def doIt(name, sleepMs):
    print('starting', name)
    await sleep(sleepMs / 1000)
    print('ending', name)
async def main():
    task1 = create_task(doIt('alpha', 3000))
    task2 = create_task(doIt('beta', 2000))
    task3 = create_task(doIt('gamma', 1000))
    await gather(task1, task2, task2)


define class CName { ... } class CName: ...
inheritance class Sub extends Super { ... }
only single inheritance is supported
class Sub(Super1, Super2, ...)
multiple inheritance is supported
constructor constructor(params) { ... } def init(self, params):
instantiate (create instance) const instance = new CName(args); instance = CName(args)
instance property declaration not declared; set in constructor on this object not declared; set in init on self object
instance property reference this.propName self.propName
class/static property declaration static propName = value; propName = value;
class/static property reference CName.propName CName.propName or instance.propName
instance method name(params) { ... } def name(self, params): ...
class/static method declaration static name(params) { ... } @staticmethod
def name(params): ...
class/static method call or

In addition to the @staticmethod decorator, Python also supports the @classmethod decorator. The difference is that methods defined with the latter are passed the class as the first argument.

Here is an example of a JavaScript class:

class Statistics {
  constructor(...numbers) {
    this.numbers = numbers;
    this.min = Math.min(...this.numbers);
    this.max = Math.max(...this.numbers);
    this.sum = this.numbers.reduce((acc, n) =&gt; acc + n, 0);
  add(number) {
    this.sum += number;
    if (number &lt; this.min) {
      this.min = number;
    } else if (number &gt; this.max) {
      this.max = number;
  mean() {
    return this.sum / this.numbers.length;
  report() {
    console.log('min =', this.min);
    console.log('max =', this.max);
    console.log('mean =', this.mean());
const stats = new Statistics(1, 2, 3, 4);;

The output is:

min = 1
max = 4
mean = 2.5
min = 1
max = 5
mean = 3

Here is the same class implemented in Python:

class Statistics:
    def __init__(self, *numbers):
        self.numbers = list(numbers)
        self.min = min(*self.numbers)
        self.max = max(*self.numbers)
        self.sum = sum(numbers)
    def add(self, number):
        self.sum += number
        if number &lt; self.min:
            self.min = number
        elif number &gt; self.max:
            self.max = number
    def mean(self):
        return self.sum / len(self.numbers)
    def report(self):
        print('min =', self.min)
        print('max =', self.max)
        print('mean =', self.mean())
stats = Statistics(1, 2, 3, 4)

The output is the same as above.

Note how in Python the first parameter in all instance methods must be self.

Here is a JavaScript function that takes a class and prints its inheritance hierarchy:

function printClassTree(cls, level = 0) {
  const name = || 'Object';
  console.log(' '.repeat(2 * level) + name);
  if (name !== 'Object') printClassTree(cls.__proto__, level + 1);

Here is a Python function to do the same:

def print_class_tree(cls, level = 0):
    print(' ' * 2 * level + cls.__name__)
    for base in cls.__bases__:
        print_class_tree(base, level + 1)

Built-in Functions

JavaScript provides a small number (9) of built-in functions. Python provides many more (68). The tables below summarize these.

Often one of the languages does not have an equivalent function to the other, so the closest alternative is shown instead.

Descriptions below that begin with "determines if" mean that a Boolean value is returned.

Python built-in functionDescriptionClosest JavaScript equivalent
abs(x) returns absolute value Math.abs(x)
all(iterable) determines if all elements are True
in a Boolean context
any(iterable) determines if any element is True
in a Boolean context
ascii(obj) like repr, but escapes non-ASCII characters not supported
bin(x) converts integer to binary string not supported
bool(x) converts value to Boolean Boolean(x)
breakpoint() breaks execution and
drops into debugger
bytearray(source) returns a new array of bytes use ArrayBuffer with typed array classes
bytes(source) returns a bytes object use ArrayBuffer with typed array classes
callable(x) determines if x is callable (a function) typeof x === 'function'
chr(code_point) returns string representation
of a Unicode code point
compile(source, filename, mode) compiles source into a code/AST object
which can be passed to exec or eval
not supported
complex(real, imag) creates a complex number
from real and imaginary parts
not supported
delattr(obj, name) deletes an attribute from an object delete obj[name]
dict([data]) creates a dictionary {} or new Map()
dir([obj]) returns a list of defined names
in current scope or an object
divmod(a, b) return tuple of quotient and remainder
of a divided by b
Math.floor(a / b) and a % b
enumerate(iterable) return list of tuples each containing
an index and value from an iterable
eval(code) evaluates a single code expression eval(code)
exec(code) execute any number of lines of code eval(code)
filter(predicate, iterable) returns iterator over values in iterable
where predicate function returns true
float(x) returns floating point number
created from a number or string
format(value, fmt) returns string created by formatting a value
using a format string
use template literals
frozenset(iterable) returns frozenset (immutable set) object
created from iterable
getattr(obj, name [, default]) returns attribute value obj[name] || default
globals() returns dictionary containing the
current global symbol table
not supported
hasattr(obj, name) determines if object has a given attribute name in obj
hash(obj) returns hash value of object not supported
help([topic]) invoke the built-in Python help system,
typically in the REPL
not supported
hex(n) converts integer to hex n.toString(16)
id(obj) returns identity of an object not supported
input([prompt]) read from stdout with optional prompt use the Node readline module
question method
int(x) returns an integer created from
a number or string
parseInt(x[, radix])
isinstance(obj, ClassName) determines if an object is
an instance of a given class
obj instanceof ClassName
issubclass(ClassA, ClassB) determines if ClassB is
a subclass of ClassA
ClassB.prototype instanceof ClassA
iter(collection) returns an iterator over the elements
of a collection (see next)
len(obj) returns number of items in a collection
or characters in a string
list(iterable) constructs a list from an iterable Array.from(arrayLike)
locals(): returns dictionary containing the
current local symbol table
not supported
map(fn, iterable) returns iterator over values returned by
calling function on each iterable element
max(v1, v2, ...) or
returns largest value of arguments
or in an iterable
Math.max(v1, v2, ...) or
memoryview(obj) returns a memoryview for an object
that support the buffer protocol
not supported
min(v1, v2, ...) or
returns largest value of arguments
or in an iterable
Math.min(v1, v2, ...) or
next(iterator) get next item from an iterator
object() create an empty, featureless object;
can't add properties; Why is this useful?
{} is similar, but CAN add properties
oct(n) converts integer to octal n.toString(8)
open(file, mode, ...) opens a file for
reading, writing, or appending
see the Node fs module
ord(s) returns the Unicode code point
for a Unicode character
base ** exp or pow(base, exp) return base raised to exp power base ** exp or Math.pow(base, exp)
print(v1, v2, ...) print space-separated expression values console.log(v1, v2, ...)
property(getFn, setFn, delFn, doc) returns a property attribute that encapsulates
get, set and delete functions
not supported
range(stop) or
range(start, stop[, step])
returns a range object
which is an immutable sequence
not supported
repr(obj) returns a string representation
of an object for developers
reversed(seq) returns an iterator for iterating
over a sequence in reverse order
not supported
round(n[, digits])
returns float or int
returns a number rounded to
some number of decimal points
returns string
set([iterable]) creates a set object new Set()
setattr(obj, name, value) sets an attribute of an object obj[name] = value
slice(stop) or
slice(start, stop[, step])
returns a slice object that
describes a set of indexes;
used to retrieve data at those indexes
not supported
sorted(iterable[, key]) returns a sorted version
of an iterable as a list
sorts in place
str(obj) returns a human-readable string
representation of an object
sum(iterable) returns the sum of
numbers in an iterable
arr.reduce((acc, n) => acc + n)
super() returns a proxy object for
calling superclass methods
super keyword
tuple([iterable]) creates a tuple, optionally
populated from an iterable
not supported
type() returns class object returns the type of a value typeof v returns string
v.constructor is constructor function
vars(obj) returns a dict view of
the attributes in an object
not supported
zip(iterables) returns an iterator that aggregates
elements from multiple iterables
not built-in;
can use Lodash zip function


JavaScript built-in functionDescriptionClosest Python equivalent
decodeURI(s) decodes a URL (opposite of encodeURI) urllib.unquote(s)
decodeURIComponent(s) decodes a component of a URI
(opposite of encodeURIComponent)
encodeURI(s) encodes a URI, replacing certain characters
(not /, #, ?, =, and others)
urllib.quote(s, safe='chars1')
encodeURIComponent(s) encodes a component of a URI,
replacing certain characters
urllib.quote(s, safe='chars2')
eval(code) execute any number of lines of code exec(code)
isFinite(x) determines if x is a finite number math.isfinite(x)
isNaN(x) determines of x in the "not a number" value math.isnan(x)
parseFloat(x) returns floating point number
created from a number or string
parseInt(x[, radix]) returns an integer created from
a number or string

The JavaScript parseFloat and parseInt functions can process strings that contain additional characters after those in the number. For example, parseFloat('3.14pi') returns the number 3.14. The Python float and int functions do not support this.

Boolean Operations

and b1 && b2 b1 and b2
or b1 || b2 b1 or b2
not !b not b
bitwise and b1 & b2 same
bitwise or b1 | b2 same
bitwise not ~b same
bitwise xor b1 ^ b2 same

Numeric Operations

basic +, -, *, / same
exponentiation ** same
increment ++v (pre) or v++ (post) v += 1
decrement --v (pre) or v-- (post) v -= 1
mod (remainder) % same
convert to string n.toString() str(n)
convert from string to integer Number(s) or parseInt(s) int(s)
convert from string to float Number(s) or parseFloat(s) float(s)
convert to string with fixed decimals (ex. 2) n.toFixed(2) '{:.2f}'.format(n)
convert to hex n.toString(16) hex(n)
convert from hex parseInt(hexString, 16) int(hexString, 16)
constants see Math and Number global objects see math module
functions see Math and Number global objects see math module

Math Operations

Lesser used constants and functions are omitted from the table below.

To use the Python functions, import math.

absolute value Math.abs(x) math.fabs(x)
arc cosine Math.acos(x) math.acos(x)
arc sine Math.asin(x) math.asin(x)
arc tangent Math.atan(x) math.atan(x)
ceiling Math.ceil(x) math.ceil(x)
close not built-in math.isclose(x, y, rel_tol=rt, abs_tol=at)
combinations of k items from n not built-in; see below math.comb(n, k)
convert degrees to radians degrees * (Math.PI / 180) math.degrees(radians)
convert radians to degrees radians * (180 / Math.PI) math.radians(degrees)
cosine Math.cos(x) math.cos(x)
cube root Math.cbrt(x) x ** (1. / 3)
e constant Math.E math.e
e to power Math.exp(x) math.exp(x)
factorial not built-in; see below math.factorial(n)
floor Math.floor(x) math.floor(x)
greatest common denominator not built-in math.gcd(n1, n2, ...)
hypotenuse Math.hypot(x, y, ...) math.hypot(x, y)
least common multiple not built-in math.lcm(n1, n2, ...)
log base 10 Math.log10(x) math.log10(x)
logarithm to any base not built-in; see below math.log(x, y)
maximum Math.max(n1, n2, ...) max(n1, n2, ...)
mean (average) not built-in; see below statistics.mean(seq)
median not built-in; see below statistics.median(seq)
maximum Math.max(n1, n2, ...) max(n1, n2, ...)
mode not built-in; see below statistics.mode(seq)
natural log (base e) Math.log(x) math.log(x)
not a number Number.isNaN(x) math.isnan(x)
not a number constant Number.NaN math.nan
permutations of k items from n not built-in; see below math.perm(n, k)
pi constant Math.PI math.pi
power (x to y) Math.pow(x, y) math.pow(x)
product use Array reduce; see below
random [0, 1) Math.random() random.random()
random integer [a, b] not built-in; see below random.randint(a, b)
round Math.round(x) round(x, decimal_places=0)
sign (-1, 0, or 1) Math.sign(x) 0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x)
sine Math.sin(x) math.sin(x)
square root Math.sqrt(x) math.sqrt(x)
square root of 1/2 Math.SQRT1_2 math.sqrt(0.5)
square root of 2 Math.SQRT2 math.sqrt(2)
sum use Array reduce; see below math.fsum(iterable)
tangent Math.tan(x) math.tan(x)
truncate Math.trunc(x) math.trunc(x)

JavaScript can use the following functions to compute some of the values marked as "not built-in" in the table above:

function combinations(n, k) {
  // n take k
  return factorial(n) / (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k));
function factorial(n) {
  if (n &lt; 0) return undefined;
  let f = 1;
  while (n &gt; 1) {
    f *= n--;
  return f;
// Compute the logarithm of x using a given base.
const logBase = (x, base) =&gt; Math.log(x) / Math.log(base);
const mean = nums =&gt; sum(nums) / nums.length;
function median(nums) {
  nums.sort(); // may not want to sort in place
  const len = nums.length;
  const index = Math.floor(len / 2);
  return len % 2 === 1 ? nums[index] : (nums[index - 1] + nums[index]) / 2;
function mode(nums) {
  let result = undefined;
  let resultCount = 0;
  const counts = nums.reduce((acc, n) =&gt; {
    if (acc[n] === undefined) {
      acc[n] = 1;
    } else {
    if (acc[n] &gt; resultCount) {
      result = n;
      resultCount = acc[n];
    return acc;
  }, {});
  return result;
function permutations(n, k) {
  // n take k
  return factorial(n) / factorial(n - k);
const product = nums =&gt; (nums.length ? nums.reduce((acc, n) =&gt; acc * n, 1) : 0);
// Generate a random integer in the range [a, b].
const randint = (a, b) =&gt; a + Math.floor(Math.random() * (b - a + 1));
const sum = nums =&gt; (nums.length ? nums.reduce((acc, n) =&gt; acc + n) : 0);

The Python random module also provides:

  • random.choice(seq) returns a random element from a sequence
  • random.shuffle(seq) shuffles a sequence in place
  • and more

String Operations

literal single line 'text' or "text" same
literal multi-line text """text""" or '''text'''
length s.length len(s)
concatenate s1 + n1 s1 + str(n1) or
s1 str(n1) with only a space between them
lowercase s.toLowerCase() s.lower()
uppercase s.toUpperCase() s.upper()
substring s1.substring(start, end?) s[start:end] or s[start:] or s[:end]
slice like substring, but supports negative indexes same as above
split s.split(delimiter) returns array s.split(delimiter) returns list
starts with s.startsWith(sub) returns Boolean s.startswith(sub) returns Boolean
ends with s.endsWith(sub) returns Boolean s.endswith(sub) returns Boolean
contains s.includes(sub) returns Boolean sub in s returns Boolean
index of s.indexOf(sub) returns number s.index(sub, start?, end?) returns int
last index of s.lastIndexOf(sub) returns number s.rindex(sub, start?, end?) returns int
compare s1.localeCompare(s2) returns -1, 0, or 1 import locale
locale.strcoll(s1, s2)
returns negative, zero, or positive
remove prefix not supported s.removeprefix(p)
remove suffix not supported s.removesuffix(p)
replace first s.replace(oldSub, newSub) s.replace(old, new, 1)
replace all s.replaceAll(oldSub, newSub) s.replace(old, new)
trim start s.trimStart() s.lstrip()
trim end s.trimEnd() s.rstrip()
trim both ends s.trim() s.strip()
repeat n times s.repeat(n) s n or n s


JavaScript stores sequences of values in arrays.

Python primarily uses the four sequence types, list, tuple, range, and set, for this purpose:

  • Python lists are mutable and are typically homogeneous (elements have the same type).
  • Python tuples are immutable and are typically heterogeneous (elements can have different types).
  • Python ranges are immutable sequences of numbers and are often used in for loops.
  • Python sets are mutable sequences that do not allow duplicate values and are typically homogeneous.

To create a JavaScript array:

const myArray = [element1, element2, ...];

To create a Python list:

myList = [element1, element2, ...]

To create a Python tuple:

# Parentheses around a tuple are optional.
myTuple = (element1, element2, ...)

To create a Python range:

myRange = range(end) # 0 to end-1
myRange = range(start, end, step?) # start to end-1 where step defaults to 1

To create a Python set:

mySet = {element1, element2, ...}

All of these types can be nested within each other. For example, the elements of a list can be tuples, and the elements of a tuple can be ranges. An exception is that the elements of a range can only be integers.

A named tuple gives a name to a tuple type and supports accessing elements in instances by name and index. For example:

from collections import namedtuple
# Internally, this generate a class named Dog.
Dog = namedtuple('Dog', 'name breed')
dog = Dog('Comet', 'Whippet')
print( # Comet
print(dog[0]) # Comet
print(dog.breed) # Whippet
print(dog[1]) # Whippet
print(len(dog)) # 2
is array/sequence Array.isArray(expr) hasattr(type(expr), 'iter')
isinstance(expr, list)
isinstance(expr, tuple)
isinstance(expr, range)
isinstance(expr, set)
add to end arr.push(v1, v2, ...); seq.append(v) to add one and
seq.extend(iterable) to add more than one
remove from end const value = arr.pop(); value = seq.pop()
add to start arr.unshift(value); seq.insert(0, value)
remove from start const value = arr.shift(); del seq[0]
insert arr.splice(index, delCount, v1, v2, ...) seq.insert(index, value)
remove item at index arr.splice(index, 1) del seq[index] - only for lists
remove items at index range arr.splice(start, count) del seq[start:start+count] - only for lists
remove value arr.splice(arr.findIndex(value), 1) seq.remove(value) - error if not found
remove all arr = []; seq.clear()
change arr.splice(start, delCount, v1, v2, ...); combine del and insert above
length arr.length len(seq)
lookup const value = arr[index]; value = seq[index]
subset arr.slice(start, end)
can omit end and start and
can use negative indexes to count from end
can omit start and/or end and
can use negative indexes to count from end
concatenate const newArr = arr1.concat(arr2, arr3, ...); newSeq = seq1 + seq2 + seq3
copy (shallow) [...arr] or arr.slice() list.copy() - only for lists
find arr.find(predicate); next(filter(predicate, seq)) - see note below this table
find index arr.findIndex(predicate); index = seq.index(value, start?, end?) - see note below this table
iterate over for (const value of arr) or
arr.forEach((value, index) => { ... });
for item in seq: or
for index, item in enumerate(seq):
iterate over in reverse iterate over arr.reverse() for item in reversed(seq):
iterate over in sorted order create a sorted copy and iterate over it for item in sorted(seq):
includes (Boolean) arr.includes(value) value in seq
not includes (Boolean) !arr.includes(value) value not in seq
index of arr.indexOf(value[, fromIndex]) seq.index(value[, start[, end]])
last index of arr.lastIndexOf(value[, fromIndex]) not built-in; have to reverse list
count occurrences arr.reduce((acc, v) => v === value ? acc + 1 : acc, 0) seq.count(value)
join arr.join(delimiter) returns string delimiter.join(seq)
map const newArr = => newValue); iterator = map(function, seq)
filter const newArr = arr.filter(predicate); iterator = filter(predicate, seq)
reduce const value = arr.reduce((acc, value) => { ... }); from functools import reduce
value = reduce(lambda acc, item: ..., seq, initial)
some/any (Boolean) arr.some(predicate) - short circuits any(map(predicate, seq)) - no short circuit
every/all (Boolean) arr.every(predicate) - short circuits all(map(predicate, seq)) - no short circuit
sort arr.sort(comparator);
comparator is a function that compares two elements
list.sort(key=k, reverse?)
k is an attribute name or a function that takes
an element and returns a value to sort on
reverse arr.reverse() list.reverse() - only for lists
destructure/unpack const [v1, v2, v3] = arr;
# of variables on left can differ from # of array elements
v1, v2, v3 = seq
# of variables on left must match # of sequence elements
which limits usefulness

Python doesn't have a simple, built-in way to find the first item in a list that matches some criteria. This naive approach is probably the most efficient.

def index(predicate, seq):
  for index in range(0, len(seq)):
      if predicate(seq[index]):
          return index
  return None

The Python filter and map functions are lazy, which means they are not executed until their results are needed. To get values from them, repeatedly pass the result to next or pass the result to a function like list or set to get all the values.

numbers = [1, 2, 3]
iter = map(lambda n: n * 2, numbers) # multiplies each by 2
print(next(iter)) # 2
print(next(iter)) # 4
print(list(map(lambda n: n * 2, numbers))) # [2, 4, 6]

The string join method takes an iterable over strings. To join non-string values, use map and the str function to convert values to strings. For example:

'-'.join(map(str, numbers)) # '1-2-3'

JavaScript can implement lazy functions using generator functions (see the List Comprehensions section), but no built-in generator functions are provided.


Suppose we have a sequence of objects that represent people, and we wish to sort the sequence by last name following by first name.

Here is how this can be done in JavaScript:

const people = [
  {firstName: 'Tami', lastName: 'Volkmann'},
  {firstName: 'Mark', lastName: 'Volkmann'},
  {firstName: 'Brendan', lastName: 'Eich'},
  {firstName: 'Guido', lastName: 'van Rossum'}
people.sort((p1, p2) =&gt; {
  const compare = p1.lastName.localeCompare(p2.lastName);
  return compare ? compare : p1.firstName.localeCompare(p2.firstName);

Here is how this can be done in Python:

from operator import itemgetter
people = [
  {'firstName': 'Tami', 'lastName': 'Volkmann'},
  {'firstName': 'Mark', 'lastName': 'Volkmann'},
  {'firstName': 'Brendan', 'lastName': 'Eich'},
  {'firstName': 'Guido', 'lastName': 'van Rossum'}
# This sort is case-sensitive.
#people.sort(key=itemgetter('lastName', 'firstName'))
# This sort is case-insensitive.
getter = itemgetter('lastName', 'firstName')
person_key = lambda p: tuple(map(str.casefold, getter(p)))

List Comprehensions

Python supports list comprehensions that create a list, but JavaScript does not. Here are some examples.

squares = [n**2 for n in range(5)] # [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
multiplesOf3 = [n for n in range(10) if n % 3 == 0] # [0, 3, 6, 9]

JavaScript generator functions can be used to do the same thing, but some utility generator functions must be written.

function* range(n) {
  for (i = 0; i &lt; n; i++) yield i;
function* map(fn, iter) {
  for (const element of iter) yield fn(element);
const squares = map(n =&gt; n ** 2, range(5)); // [0, 1, 4, 9, 16 ]
function* filter(predicate, obj) {
  for (const element of obj) {
    if (predicate(element)) yield element;
const multiplesOf3 = filter(n =&gt; n % 3 === 0, range(10)); // [ 0, 3, 6, 9 ]

Python also supports generator functions and the yield keyword. The JavaScript example above could be implemented as follows in Python:

def map(fn, iter):
    for element in iter:
        yield fn(element)
squares = map(lambda n: n**2, range(5)) # [ 0, 1, 4, 9, 16 ]
def filter(predicate, seq):
    for element in seq:
        if predicate(element):
            yield element
multiplesOf3 = filter(lambda n: n % 3 == 0, range(10)) # [ 0, 3, 6, 9 ]


Sets are unordered collections with no duplicate values.

is set expr instanceof Set isinstance(expr, set)
create const s = new Set(); - cannot specify elements s = {elements} or s = set(elements)
add s.add(value) same
remove s.delete(value); s.remove(value)
remove all s.clear() same
length s.size len(s)
includes s.has(value) value in s
iterate over s.forEach(value => { ... }); for value in set: ...
convert to array/list a = s.values(); l = list(s)

Set Comprehensions

Python supports set comprehensions that create a set, but JavaScript does not. Here is an example.

from random import randint
# Pick 10 random integers from 1 to 10
# and keep only the unique values.
# Placing the values in a set enforces unique values.
numbers = {randint(1, 11) for n in range(10)}

Key/Value Collections

JavaScript uses plain objects or instances of the Map class to store associations between keys and values. Keys in JavaScript objects must be must be strings, integers, or symbols, but keys in Map instances can be any type.

OperationJavaScript ObjectJavaScript Map
is object/dict typeof expr === 'object' expr instanceof Map
create const obj = {};
can include initial key/value pairs
const map = new Map();
cannot specify initial key/value pairs
length Object.keys(obj).length map.size
set value of key obj.key = value or obj[key] = value map.set(key, value)
get value of key obj.key or obj[key]
use 2nd form if key contains special characters
get all keys Object.keys(obj) map.keys()
get all values Object.values(obj) map.values()
get all pairs Object.entries(obj)
returns array of arrays containing a key and value
returns the same
test if key present key in obj or obj.hasOwnProperty(key) map.has(key)
delete pair delete obj.key or delete obj[key] map.delete(key)
delete all pairs obj = {} map.clear()
iterate over keys for (const key in obj) or
for (const key of Object.keys(obj))
map.forEach((value, key) => { ... });

Python uses dictionaries to store associations between keys and values. The keys must be immutable types like strings, numbers, and tuples containing these.

is dict isinstance(expr, dict)
create dict = {}
dict = {k1: v1, k2: v2, ...}
dict([(k1, v1), (k2, v2), ...])
length len(dict)
set value of key dict[key] = value
get value of key dict[key] or dict.get(key)
error if key doesn't exist
get all keys dict.keys() or list(dict) or
sorted(dict) to get keys in sorted order
get all values dict.values()
get all pairs dict.items()
returns a live view that provides a
sequence of tuples containing a key and value
test if key present key in dict
test if key not present key not in dict
delete pair del dict[key]
delete all pairs dict.clear()
iterate over for item in dict.items(): ...

Python 3.9 added the | and |= operators for merging dict objects.

Creating a dictionary object

There are four ways to create a Python dictionary:

# 1) Use the literal syntax.
person = {'name': 'Mark', 'hungry': True}
# person = {'name': 'Mark', 'hungry': True}
# 2) Pass keyword arguments to the `dict` function.
# This has the advantage that single word keys
# do not need to be enclosed in quotes.
person = dict(name='Mark', hungry=True)
# person = {'name': 'Mark', 'hungry': True}
# 3) Pass a list of key/value tuples to the `dict` function.
kv_tuples = [('name', 'Mark'), ('hungry', True)]
person = dict(kv_tuples)
# person = {'name': 'Mark', 'hungry': True}
# 4) Use a dictionary comprehension.
def get_initials(name):
  return ''.join(map(lambda s: s[0], name.split(' ')))
names = ['Mark Volkmann', 'Dorian Yeager']
my_dict = {name: get_initials(name) for name in names}
# {'Mark Volkmann': 'MV', 'Dorian Yeager': 'DY'}

Regular Expressions


In JavaScript, regular expressions are a built-in type. An instance can be created in two ways:

// This pattern matches Canadian postal codes.
const re = /^[A-Z]\d[A-Z] \d[A-Z]\d$/;
// Alternative
//const re = new RegExp('^[A-Z]\\d[A-Z] \\d[A-Z]\\d$');
const pc = 'A1B 2C3';
if (!re.test(pc)) console.log('not a Canadian postal code');


In Python, import the re module to use regular expressions. Those that will be used multiple times should be compiled. Otherwise they can be used inline.

The following example demonstrate the two ways in which every regular expression method can be used, calling it on the re module or on a compiled regular expression.

import re
# This pattern matches Canadian postal codes.
# Using the string literal prefix "r" prevents the "\" character
# from being treated as an escape character inside a regular expression.
pattern = r'^[A-Z]\d[A-Z] \d[A-Z]\d$'
pc = 'A1B 2C3'
# For one-time use ...
if (not, pc)):
    print('not a Canadian postal code')
# For repeated usage ...
canadianPostalCode = re.compile(pattern)
if (not
    print('not a Canadian postal code')
create const re = /pattern/flags or
const re = new RegExp(pattern, flags)
import re
regex = re.compile(pattern)
test if a string matches if (re.test(str))
returns a match object or None if not matched
get first match str.match(re) same as above
get all matches str.matchAll(re) or re.exec(str) regex.finditer(str)
returns an iterable over match objects
split string on re str.split(re)
returns an array of strings
returns a list of strings

Python match objects support the following methods:

  • group() – returns the matching string
  • start() – returns the start index of the match (inclusive)
  • end() – returns the end index of the match (exclusive)
  • span() – returns a tuple containing the start and end indexes

For more information on regular expression support in Python, see the Python Standard Library Documentation.

Error Handling

Python refers to errors as exceptions.

throw throw new Error(message); raise ExClass(args)
catch try { ... } catch (e) { ... } finally { ... } try: ... except ExClass as e: ... else: ... finally: ...
rethrow throw e; raise e

In JavaScript:

try {
  // code to try executing
} catch (e) {
  // code to handle all exceptions
} finally {
  // optional
  // code to run at end regardless of whether an exception was thrown

In Python:

  # code to try executing
except ExClass1 as e:
  # code to handle a specific exception class
except (ExClass2, ExClass3):
  # code to handle other exception classes listed in a tuple
else: # optional
  # code to run if no exception was thrown
  # Placing code here means that exceptions it throws
  # will not be handled by the "except" blocks above.
finally: # optional
  # code to run at end regardless of whether an exception was thrown

To ignore an exception in Python, include a pass statement in an except block.

There are many built-in Python exception classes. The base class of all of them is Exception. Names of built-in exception classes end in "Error." For a list of them, see Built-in Exceptions.

Names of custom exception classes should also end in "Error." Here is an example of how to define one:

class MyCustomError(Exception):

Exit with Status

Both JavaScript programs running in Node.js and Python programs can explicitly exit and set a status code.

In Node.js, the exit method of the process global object is used.


In Python, the exit method of the sys module is used.

import sys

In both cases, if no status code is supplied, it defaults to zero.


In Python, in order to use JSON methods include import json.

create const jsonString = JSON.stringify(expr); jsonString = json.dumps(expr)
parse const value = JSON.parse(jsonString); value = json.loads(jsonString)

Writing and Reading Files

Node.js and Python can both read and write files containing text or binary data.

One case to consider is when the file can easily fit in memory. We will see an example using JSON that demonstrates this. Another case is when it cannot and therefore must be processed using streams, perhaps one line at a time. We will see an example using CSV that demonstrates this.

Writing and Reading Small Files

Let's write a JSON file and then read it back in to verify that it worked.

Here is a JavaScript version: Note that it uses top-level awaits, which requires the code to be in an ES module. One way to satisfy this is to give the file a .mjs file extension.

import fs from 'fs/promises';
const dog = {
  breed: 'Whippet',
  name: 'Comet'
const filePath = 'dog.json';
await fs.writeFile(filePath, JSON.stringify(dog));
const buffer = await fs.readFile(filePath);
const newDog = JSON.parse(buffer.toString());

And here is a Python version:

import json
dog = {
  "breed": 'Whippet',
  "name": 'Comet'
file_path = 'dog.json'
with open(file_path, 'w') as writer:
with open('x' + file_path, 'r') as reader:
    new_dog = json.loads(

Writing and Reading Large Files

Let's write a CSV file and then read it back in to verify that it worked. Rather than write the entire file at once, we will write one line at a time. Likewise we will read the file one line at a time.

Here is a JavaScript version:

import fs from 'fs';
import readline from 'readline';
const filePath = 'dogs.csv';
const ws = fs.createWriteStream(filePath);
ws.write('Maisey,Treeing Walker Coonhound\n');
ws.write('Ramsay,Native American Indian Dog\n');
ws.write('Oscar Wilde,German Shorthaired Pointer\n');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: fs.createReadStream('dogs.csv')
for await (const line of rl) {

And here is a Python version:

file_path = 'dog.csv'
with open(file_path, 'w') as writer:
    writer.write('Maisey,Treeing Walker Coonhound\n');
    writer.write('Ramsay,Native American Indian Dog\n');
    writer.write('Oscar Wilde,German Shorthaired Pointer\n');
with open(file_path, 'r') as reader:
    while True:
        line = reader.readline()
        if not line:
        print(line, end='')

Shell Commands


JavaScript code running in Node.js can execute shell commands, provide input to them, and capture output written to stdout and stderr.

In the example code below we execute the ps command to get the status of all currently running processes and then output the process id (pid) and running time of all "node" processes.

import {exec} from 'child_process';
import {promisify} from 'util';
const pexec = promisify(exec);
function node_report(lines) {
  for (const line of lines) {
    const tokens = line.trimStart().split(/ +/);
    if (tokens.length &gt;= 9) {
      const command = tokens[7];
      if (command == 'node') {
        const pid = tokens[1];
        const time = tokens[6];
        console.log('process id', pid, 'has run for', time);
// Approach #1 - using a callback function
exec('ps -ef', (error, stdout, stderr) =&gt; {
  if (error || stderr) {
    console.error(error || stderr);
  } else {
// Approach #2 - awaiting a Promise
const {stdout, stderr} = await pexec('ps -ef');
if (stderr) {
} else {


Here is a Python version that does the same:

import os, re, subprocess
# Create a regular expression that matches two or more spaces.
spaces_re = re.compile(r' {2,}')
# Print the process id and running time of all "node" processes.
def node_report(lines):
    for line in lines:
        # Replaces all occurrences of multiple spaces with one.
        line = spaces_re.sub(' ', line.lstrip())
        tokens = line.split(' ')
        if len(tokens) &gt;= 9:
            command = tokens[7]
            if command == 'node':
                pid = tokens[1]
                time = tokens[6]
                print('process id', pid, 'has run for', time)
# Approach #1 - reading output into a single string
stream = os.popen('ps -ef')
output = # reads all lines into a single string
# Approach #2 - reading output into an array of strings, one per line
stream = os.popen('ps -ef')
# Approach #3 - using a CompletedProcess instance
process =['ps', '-ef'], capture_output=True, text=True)
if process.stderr:
    print('error:', process.stderr, file=sys.stderr)


Python supports decorators, which are annotations placed before functions and classes to alter their behavior. The TC39 committee that controls the ECMAScript standard for JavaScript has been discussing adding decorators for many years, but they have not yet been added.

Here is a simple example of a decorator that logs the arguments and return value of every invocation value of functions to which it is applied:

import logging
def log(fn):
    def wrapper(*args):
        result = fn(*args)
            f'{fn.__name__} was passed {str(args)} and returned {result}')
        return result
    return wrapper
def add(n1, n2):
    return n1 + n2
add(1, 2) # DEBUG:root:add was passed (1, 2) and returned 3
add(2, 3) # DEBUG:root:add was passed (2, 3) and returned 5

The built-in Python decorators include:

  • @classmethod This transforms a method into a class method which receives a class object as its first parameter and can use it to access class state.
  • @property This defines getter, setter, and deleter methods for a class instance property.
  • @staticmethod This transforms a method into a static method which does not receive a class object as its first parameter and cannot access class state. It is useful for utility functions.

For more information, see Real Python Primer on Python Decorators.

Check for Running as Main

Some source files can be used as both the starting point of a script and a module imported by others. To include code that is run only when the file is executed as a script, wrap it in one of the following if statements.

In Node.js, use if (require.main === module) { ... }

In Python, use if __name__ == '__main__': ...

HTTP Servers

HTTP servers can be implemented in both Node.js and Python.

  • In Node.js, a popular option is to use the Express package.
  • In Python, popular options include Flask and FastAPI.

To demonstrate these options, we will implement HTTP servers that:

  • serve static files in a "public" directory
  • implement REST services that provide CRUD operations on a collection of dogs

The collection of dogs could be persisted to a database, but we will just hold them in memory in a key/value collection where the keys are dog ids and the values are dog objects that have id, breed, and name properties.

We want the servers to:

  • provide request logging
  • support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), so web apps that are served from a different domain can invoke them
  • handle GET /dog requests by returning all the dogs as JSON
  • handle POST /dog requests by adding the dog described in the request body
  • handle PUT /dog/id requests by updating the dog with the given id using the data in the request body
  • handle DELETE /dog/id requests by deleting the dog with the given id

JavaScript Express REST Server

  1. Create a directory for the project and cd to it.

  2. Create a package.json file for the project by entering npm init and answering the questions it asks.

  3. Install the required dependencies by entering npm install cors express pino-http and npm install -D nodemon.

  4. Replace the "test" script in package.json with "start": "nodemon server.js". The nodemon command provides automatic file watch and server restart.

  5. Create the file server.js containing the following:

const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');
const path = require('path');
const pino = require('pino-http')();
const dogs = {
 1: {id: 1, breed: 'Whippet', name: 'Comet'}
const app = express();
app.use(pino); // for logging
app.use(cors()); // for cross-origin resource sharing
app.use(express.json()); // to parse JSON bodies
// Serve static files found in the public directory.
app.use(express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, 'public')));
app.get('/dog', (req, res) =&gt; {
app.get('/dog/:id', (req, res) =&gt; {
 const {id} = req.params;
 const dog = dogs[id];
 if (dog) {
 } else {
   res.status(404).end('dog not found');
});'/dog', (req, res) =&gt; {
 const dog = req.body; =;
 dogs[] = dog;
app.put('/dog/:id', (req, res) =&gt; {
 const {id} = req.params;
 if (dogs[id]) {
   const dog = req.body; = id;
   dogs[id] = dog;
 } else {
   res.status(404).end('dog not found');
app.delete('/dog/:id', (req, res) =&gt; {
 const {id} = req.params;
 if (dogs[id]) {
   delete dogs[id];
 } else {
   res.status(404).end('dog not found');
const PORT = 1919;
app.listen(PORT, () =&gt; console.log('ready'));
  1. Run the server by entering npm start.

Python Flask REST Server

Key benefits of Flask are:

  • ability to implement REST APIs
  • server-side HTML generation
  • provided request logging
  • provided file watch and server restart
  1. Install the required dependencies by entering pip install flask flask-cors. Flask-CORS supports enabling CORS in Flask servers.
  2. If running in a UNIX environment, create the script file start shown below and make it executable by entering chmod a+x start:
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run --port=1919
  1. Setting FLASK_ENV to development provides automatic file watch and server restart.
  2. If running in Windows, create a similar start.bat file.
  1. Create the file containing the following:
from flask import Flask, abort, request
from flask_cors import CORS
import time
# Serve static files found in the public directory.
app = Flask(__name__, static_folder='public', static_url_path='')
CORS(app) # for cross-origin resource sharing
dogs = {
   1: {
       'id': 1, 'breed': 'Whippet', 'name': 'Comet'
def all_dogs():
   return dogs
@app.route('/dog', methods=['POST'])
def create_dog():
   dog = request.get_json() # from body
   id = round(time.time() * 1000)
   dog['id'] = id
   dogs[id] = dog
   return str(id)
@app.route('/dog/&lt;id&gt;', methods=['PUT'])
def update_dog(id):
   id = int(id)
   if id in dogs:
       dog = request.get_json() # from body
       dog['id'] = id
       dogs[id] = dog
       return ''
@app.route('/dog/&lt;id&gt;', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_dog(id):
   id = int(id)
   if id in dogs:
       del dogs[id]
       return ''
  1. Run the server by entering ./start.

Python FastAPI REST Server

Key benefits of FastAPI are:

  • type validation of request/response bodies and path/query parameters
  • automatic generation of Open API documentation
  • provided request logging
  • provided CORS middleware
  • provided file watch and server restart
  1. Install the required dependencies by entering pip install fastapi pydantic uvicorn.
  2. Create the file containing the following:
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing import Optional
import time
# JSON in request bodies of POST and PUT requests
# is validated against this type definition.
# When validation fails, the response status
# is set to 422 Unprocessable Entity.
class Dog(BaseModel):
   id: Optional[int] = None
   breed: str
   name: str
dogs = {
   1: {
       'id': 1, 'breed': 'Whippet', 'name': 'Comet'
app = FastAPI()
def all_dogs():
   return dogs'/dog', response_model=str)
def create_dog(dog: Dog):
   id = round(time.time() * 1000)
   #dog['id'] = id # Why can't the dog object be modified?
   dict = dog.dict()
   dict['id'] = id
   dogs[id] = dict
   return str(id)
@app.put('/dog/{id}', response_model=str)
def update_dog(dog: Dog, id: int):
   if id in dogs:
       #dog['id'] = id # Why can't the dog object be modified?
       dict = dog.dict()
       dict['id'] = id
       dogs[id] = dict
       return ''
def delete_dog(id: int):
   id = int(id)
   if id in dogs:
       del dogs[id]
       return ''
  1. Run the server by entering uvicorn server:app --port 1919 --reload. Including the --reload option provides automatic file watch and server restart.
  2. Check out the Open API docs that are provided for free! Browse localhost:1919/docs to see API documentation and try each API from the browser.

HTTP Clients


JavaScript applications often use the Fetch API to send HTTP requests. This is built into modern web browsers and can be used in Node applications by installing the node-fetch package with npm install node-fetch.

Here is an example were we fetch an image of a given dog breed.

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const breed = 'whippet';
const url = `${breed}/images/random/1`;
async function doIt() {
  try {
    const res = await fetch(url);
    if (!res.ok) throw new Error(await res.text());
    const obj = await res.json();
    const [imageUrl] = obj.message; // get first array element
    console.log('image url =', imageUrl);
  } catch (e) {


Python applications often use the requests package to send HTTP requests. It can be installed by entering pip install requests.

Here is the same example using Python.

import requests
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
import sys
breed = 'whippet'
url = f'{breed}/images/random/1'
    res = requests.get(url)
    if res.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception('bad status ' + str(res.status_code))
    obj = res.json() # a dict
    image_url = obj['message'][0] # get first array element
    print('image url =', image_url)
except ConnectionError as e:
    print('failed to connect to', url)
except Exception as e:

Python Magic Methods

Python magic methods support many operations on classes and class instances. These include operator overloading.

The following table provides a categorized, partial list of the magic methods that a Python class can implement.

Object Lifecycle
new cls, ... creates a new object
init self, ... initializes a new object
del self destroys an object
getattr self, name can be used to implement the "method missing" pattern
(see example below)
String Representation
repr self returns a string representations useful to developers
str self returns a string representation useful to users
eq self, other determines if this object is equal to another
ne self, other determines if this object is not equal to another
lt self, other determines if this object is < another
le self, other determines if this object is <= to another
gt self, other determines if this object is > another
ge self, other determines if this object is >= to another
also see functools.total_ordering()
List-like Operations
getitem self, key gets an item from a list by index
setitem self, key, value sets an item in a list by index
delitem self, key deletes an item from a list by index
iter self returns an iterator
contains self, item determines if a given item is contained
Dict Operations
missing self, key returns value to use when key is not present
class must inherit from dict
Math Operations
add self, other adds an object to another
sub self, other subtracts an object from another
mul self, other multiplies an object by another
div self, other divides an object by another
mod self, other mods an object by another
Pickling (serialization)
getstate self pickles an object
setstate self unpickles an object
call self, ... treats an object as a function; can change state

The "method missing" pattern supports calling non-existent methods on an object and inferring meaning at runtime. This is frequently used in the "Ruby on Rails" framework in the implementation of "Active Record."

For example, suppose we want to implement a class whose objects support methods whose names begin with "add" and end with a number. These methods accept another number as an argument and return the sum of the numbers. This could be implemented as follows:

class MethodMissingDemo:
    def __getattr__(self, method_name):
        prefix = 'add'
        if method_name.startswith(prefix):
            n1 = int(method_name[len(prefix):])
            return lambda n2: n1 + n2
            class_name = self.__class__.__name__
            raise AttributeError(f"{class_name} object has no method '{method_name}'")
demo = MethodMissingDemo()
print(demo.add3(4)) # 7
print(demo.add19(1)) # 20
print(demo.subtract5(7)) # AttributeError: MethodMissingDemo object has no method 'subtract5'

In most cases, using normal methods and parameters instead of the __getattr__ method results in code that is easier to understand and maintain.

JavaScript can do something similar using "proxies."

const demo = new Proxy(
    get(object, methodName) {
      const prefix = 'add';
      if (methodName.startsWith(prefix)) {
        n1 = Number(methodName.substring(prefix.length));
        return n2 =&gt; n1 + n2;
      } else {
        throw new ReferenceError('object has no method ' + methodName);
console.log(demo.add3(4)); // 7
console.log(demo.add20(1)); // 20
console.log(demo.subtract5(7)); // ReferenceError: object has no method subtract5


To gain type checking for JavaScript, use the TypeScript compiler. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds types.

Two popular tools that provide type checking on Python source files are mypy and Pyright.

The remainder of this section focuses on Python type checking.

Python type specifications are referred to as "type hints." The python interpreter ignores type hints, but they make startup time take slightly longer. They are useful as documentation, even without using a type checker. IDEs can use them to flag type issues.

The primitive types supported are:

Type NameMeaning
bool Boolean
bytes immutable sequence of integers from 0 to 255
complex complex number with float real and imaginary parts
float double precision floating point number
int unlimited precision integer
str string

The collection types supported are:

Type NameMeaning
Dict[KT, VT] dict with keys of type KT and values of type VT
List[T] list with elements of type T
Sequence[T] any kind of sequence whose elements are all of type T
Set[T] set with elements of type T
Tuple[T1, T2, ...] tuple whose elements have specified types

Other types supported are:

Type NameMeaning
Any any value
any class name instance of the class or instance of a subclass
Callable[[P1, P2, ...], RT] function that takes parameters of types P1, P2, ... and returns type RT
Callable[..., RT] function that takes any parameters and returns type RT
Generator[YieldType, SendType, ReturnType] generator function;
SendType and ReturnType can be None
NamedType('Name', [('name1', T1), ('name2', T2)]) named tuple where elements have types T1, T2, ...
Optional[T] matches None or the type T
same as Union[None, T]
Type[C] matches a class object for class C or a subclass
Union[T1, T2, ...] matches any of the specified types

All types above whose names begin with a capital letter must be imported from the "typing" module. For example, from typing import Any, List. Python 3.9 is supposed to make this unnecessary, but perhaps mypy does not yet support the new type syntax.

The Union type can be used in collection types to allow elements to have a set of types.

Aliases can be defined for long type descriptions. This is useful when the same type description is used in many places. For example, IntToStrMap = Dict[int, str].

To add a "type hint" to a variable or function parameter, follow its name with a colon, a space, and the type.

To add a return type hint to a function, follow the argument list right parenthesis with -> and the type.

For example, if IceCream is a class we have defined:

def order_ice_cream(flavor: str, scoops: int, add_sprinkles: bool) -&gt; IceCream:

The typing module also defines a cast function. Here's an example of using it.

from typing import cast, Optional
Action = str  # direction letter
direction_map = {
    'D': 'down',
    'L': 'left',
    'R': 'right',
    'U': 'up'
directions = cast(List[Action], direction_map.keys())
last_direction: Optional[Action] = None
def get_possible_actions() -&gt; List[Action]:
    return list(filter(lambda d: d != last_direction, directions))


mypy is a Python type checking tool that is implemented in Python. Development began in 2014.

To install mypy, enter pip install mypy. On a Mac, add the following directory to the PATH environment variable: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/bin.

To run mypy on a source file and all the files it imports, enter mypy {filename}.py.

mypy cannot perform type checking on function arguments that correspond to parameters with default values or parameters that collect variadic arguments in a tuple or dict.


Pyright is a Python type checking tool that is implemented in TypeScript. Development began in 2019. It is used by the VS Code extension Pylance and can also be run from the command line.

To install Pyright, install Node.js and enter npm install -g pyright.

To run Pyright on a source file and all the files it imports, enter pyright {filename}.py. To run in watch mode, enter pyright -w. See this issue.

To configure options for Pyright, create a pyrightconfig.json file in the project root directory. For example, the following content configures strict type checking for all files in the current directory.

  "strict": ["."]

In answer to the question "What is the long-term plan for Pyright?" the Pyright FAQ says:

"Pyright is a side project with no dedicated team. There is no guarantee of continued development on the project. If you find it useful, feel free to use it and contribute to the code base."

Stub files

Types can be specified in "stub files" with a .pyi extension instead of directly in .py files.

Stub files for popular Python libraries can be downloaded from typeshed. These are included as a submodule of mypy. See the typeshed link for instructions on installing them.

Note that the number of libraries represented here is currently small, and it does not contain stub files for many popular libraries, including mathplotlib, numpy, and pandas. Type stub files for matplotlib, numpy, and pandas can be found at data-science-types.

When creating your own stub files, create .pyi files with the same names as the .py files whose types they describe. Stub files can be placed in the same directory as the module definition or in a separate directory with a name like "stubs." If they are in a separate directory, define the MYPYPATH environment variable to point to the directory.

If a stub file for a module is present, its type definitions override any found in the corresponding .py file.

To define the type of a variable in a stub file, use the syntax name: type.

To define types for a function in a stub file, use the syntax def name(p1: type1, p2: type2, ...) -> return_type: .... Note that the ... is actual syntax.

A stub file can be automatically generated from .py files using the stubgen command that is installed with mypy. By default it places generated stub files in a subdirectory named out, but this can be changes using the -o option. For example, stubgen -o . generates math.pyi in the current directory. Many of the types will be Any, so manual editing of the generated files is desirable to make the types more strict.

Here is a example module in that omits type hints:

PI = 3.1415928
def add(n1, n2):
    return n1 + n2

Here is a stub file in math.pyi that provides type hints:

PI: float
def add(n1: float, n2: float) -&gt; float: ...

Here is code that uses this module:

from math import PI, add
print(add('2', PI))

Running the mypy command reports ... error: Argument 1 to "add" has incompatible type "str"; expected "float"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)


See Python testing.

Popular Tools/Libraries/Frameworks

command line Node.js node command python command
utilities Lodash, Ramda pydash
web server Express Flask, FastAPI
web framework React, Svelte, Vue Flask
dates and times date.fns, Moment.js, Temporal datetime (in standard library)
linting ESLint pylint, flake8
unit tests Jest, Mocha, Chai, @testing-library pytest, unittest (in standard library), nose2
end-to-end tests Cypress same
math mathjs math (in standard library)
popular editors VS Code VS Code, PyCharm (JetBrains)



To lint JavaScript using ESLint:

  • npm install eslint eslint-plugin-import
  • eslint *.js

To configure the rules used by ESLint, create the file .eslintrc.json in project directories or in a user home directory.

For example:

  "env": {
    "browser": true,
    "es6": true,
    "jest": true,
    "node": true
  "extends": ["eslint:recommended>plugin:import/recommended"],
  "parserOptions": {
    "ecmaVersion": 2019,
    "sourceType": "module"
  "plugins": ["import"]


To lint Python code using pylint:

  • pip install pylint
  • pylint *.py

To configure the rules used by pylint, create the project file .pylintrc or a file in a user home directory (~/.pylintrc or ~/.config/pylintrc). To generate a commented version of this file in order learn about the format and available options, enter pylint --generate-rcfile > {file-path}. This file can then be modified or just used for reference. For example:


In addition, rules can be disabled in source files by adding special comments. For example:

# This rule treats all module-level variables as constants.
# invalid-name: Constant name doesn't conform to UPPER_CASE naming style
# pylint: disable=C0103
# global-statement: Using the global statement
# pylint: disable=W0603

To lint Python code using flake8:

  • pip install flake8
  • flake8

To configure the rules used by flake8, create the project file .flake8 or a file in a user home directory (~/.flake8 for Windows and ~/.config/flake8 for macOS and Linux). For example:

ignore = E261, E265, E302, E305, E731


To format JavaScript code, use Prettier.

To format Python code, use autopep8 or Black.

To install and run autopep8:

pip install autopep8
autopep8 --in-place *.py

Some of the changes made by autopep8 include:

  • enforce having two blank lines before each function definition
  • wrap lines that are longer than 79 characters

The maximum line length can be changed by adding the --max-line-length n option.

To install and run Black:

pip install black
black *.py

Some of the changes made by Black include:

  • enforce having two blank lines before each function definition
  • change all string literals to be delimited with double quotes instead of single quotes
  • add a comma after last list items when list does not fit on one line
  • wrap lines that are longer than 88 characters

The maximum line length can be changed by adding the --line-length n option.

VS Code

The VS Code extension "Python" from Microsoft adds "IntelliSense, linting, debugging, code navigation, code formatting, Jupyter notebook support, refactoring, variable explorer, test explorer, snippets, and more."

Other useful VS Code extensions for Python code include autopep8 and pylint.

Software Engineering Tech Trends (SETT) is a regular publication featuring emerging trends in software engineering.
