Modernize Your Application Workshop

Modernize your application's front and back end WORKSHOP

Create a modernized application that adapts to business needs.


  • How to identify best opportunities for modernization 

  • How to understand requirements 

  • How to create a timeline and roadmap for implementation  

What to Expect:

Our software engineering and architecture experts will lead your team through exercises and activities to establish the best plan for your specific needs. 

Module 1: Current State Assessment

  • Create checklist of common issues

  • Understand requirements and constraints

  • Define pain points 

  • Identify best opportunities for modernization including possible refactoring strategies

  • Gain agreement / validate assumptions

  • Work on roadmap during session

  • Create a timeline for implementation

Module 2: Services and System Design

  • 1st Tier: High-level Platform

  • 2nd Tier: Application Design

    • Architectural styles (services, event-driven)

  • 3rd Tier: Application Implementation

    • Backend framework options 

    • Data plane options

MODULE 3: External User and Consumer Experience

  • 1st Tier: High-level Platform

    • Frontend Ecosystem / Runtime / Deployment model 

    • Architecture (single or multiple frontends, micro-frontends, static site-gen, security, APIs)

  • 2nd Tier: Application Frameworks

    • Frontend Frameworks / Library 

    • Language choices

  • 3rd Tier: Additional Tools

    • Browser devtools

    • Styling tooling

    • Internationalization tooling

    • Accessibility tooling

 Participants walk away with:

  • Evaluation of existing applications

  • Approach recommendation for modern app platform with pros and cons

  • Recommendation for user-facing/API design and implementation of modern applications

 This workshop is best suited for:

  • CTO / CIO / COO (ad hoc)

  • VPs, Directors and Managers of IT, Operations, Engineering and Product Owners


  • Five full days are recommended and can be flexibly scheduled.
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